出發的英文 出發用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-10



leave v.離開;離去;讓…留下;使處於某種狀態;離職;剩下;寄存;輟學;遺贈;忘記帶走

depart v.啟程;離開;背離;離

proceed from 從...著手;從…開始做

常用 權威



1. 出發點

starting point (of a journey); point of departure;purpose; aim; point of consideration; point of departure

2. 迅即出發

start off immediately

3. 暫緩出發

postpone one's departure

4. 匆匆出發

post off; leave in haste

5. 星夜出發

set out by starlight

6. 跑步出發

start off at a run

7. 連夜出發

set out that very night

8. 早點出發

make an early start

9. 馬上出發

march off on the instant

10. 出發訊號

starting signal

11. 準備出發

get ready to start off

12. 按時出發

depart on schedule

13. 奉命出發

set off under orders

14. 出發港

port of departure;port of departure

15. 出發線

outbound track; line of departure

16. 從北京出發

set off from Beijing

17. 從客觀實際出發

proceed from objective realities

18. 從個人角度出發

out of personal consideration

19. 從中國的國情出發

proceed from China's actual conditions


1. 從罐頭廠出發:按要求報時。

Departing from the Cannery: Tell time upon request.

2. 一聽這話,他們就出發了。

Upon hearing this, off they started.

3. 早上8:30出發,下午2:00返回。

It sets out at 8:30 a.m. and returns at 2:00 p.m.

4. 兒子急切地出發了。

The son set out eagerly (急切地).

5. 哈里森女士在大西洋戰役中從加那利群島出發

Ms. Harrison set out from the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Campaign.

6. DeepMind必須首先承認雙方的出發點都是好的。

DeepMind must start by acknowledging that both sides mean well.

7. 不過,你應該看到艾德第一天就要出發時,梅西哭泣的模樣。

You should have seen Macy cry when Ed was about to set off on the first day, though.

8. 他解釋了我們的基本任務,拖拉機發動起來,我們就出發了。

He explained our basic task, the tractor fired up and we were off.

9. 本文主要從現實生活中的人物出發,講述虛構故事中的人物。

The text is mainly about characters of fictional stories from real-life persons.

10. \我們準備出發,但當我出去時,我發現周圍有很多裂縫,\他回憶道。

\We were ready to go but when I went out, I discovered many cracks around, \ he remembers.



出發(英文:depart),讀音chū fā,漢語詞語。指起程到別處去;又指考慮或處理問題,從哪方面著眼或著手。例句:“ 做什麼事情都要從實際出發,切不可脫離實際。” 近義詞“啟程”“開拓”“進發”,反義詞“抵達”“停留”“歸宿”。





動詞 set forth/off/out; start off/out; leave; depart

1. 我們幾時出發?

When shall we start off?

2. 她拖到最後一刻才出發。

She deferred her departure until the last moment. / She did not set off until the last moment.

3. 出發時間定在下午三點。

The time of departure is fixed at 3 pm.

4. 出發訊號

starting signal

5. 準備出發

get ready to start off

6. 早點出發

make an early start

7. 按時出發

depart on schedule

8. 出發去旅行

set off on a journey; leave on a trip; depart on a journey

動詞 proceed from; take a perspective

1. 從中國的實際出發

proceed from China's realities; proceed from China's actual situation/specific conditions

2. 從全域性出發

proceed from the situation as a whole; have the overall situation in mind; in view of overall situations

3. 從客觀實際出發

proceed from objective realities

4. 從個人角度出發

out of personal consideration

5. 從長遠的觀點出發

from a long-term point of view

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