問題的英文 問題用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-26



question n.問題;疑問;懷疑;難題;不確定;異議;有待解決的問題;事情

problem n.問題;疑難問題;習題;困難;難事;作圖題;棋式;棋題;排局

issue n.問題;議題;爭論點;分配;分發;發行;結果;後果;流出;放出;發出;或 子女;後代;後嗣

matter n.物質;事情;問題;麻煩;文稿內容;材料;案件;印刷品;物料;事態

trouble n.困難;難題;動盪;騷亂;麻煩;機器故障;身體不適;工夫;力氣;引起擔心、不便的原因

mishap n.不幸事故;災難

fault n.缺點;毛病;不足;責任;斷層;故障;錯誤的行為;錯誤;過失

crucial point 關鍵點;要害;攻堅點

key n.鑰匙;鍵;關鍵;調;主調;翼果;板條間首層灰泥;罰球區;低島;礁;(Key)人名:基

常用 權威



1. 回答問題

answer a question

2. 熱點問題

hot issue; central issue

3. 問題少年

problem child/teenager

4. 常見問題

frequently asked question (FAQ)

5. 商量問題

talk over a problem

6. 談論問題

discuss a question

7. 面對問題

face a problem

8. 澄清問題

clear up a problem

9. 住房問題

housing problem

10. 幾個問題

a few questions

11. 研究問題

deliberate on a problem

12. 日常問題

everyday problem

13. 潛在問題

potential problem

14. 個人問題

individual/personal problem [usu referring to one's marital status]

15. 問題劇

problem play

16. 北愛爾蘭問題

Northern Ireland issue

17. 區域性問題

matter of regional significance

18. 老大難問題

knotty and long-pending problem

19. 種族問題

racial question

20. 原則問題

matter of principle


1. 我檢查了小雞,它似乎沒有問題

I examined the chick (雛鳥) and it seemed fine.

2. 獨處也能讓你更有效地處理問題

Spending time alone also allows you to more efficiently take care of problems.

3. 可卡因已經成為臭名昭著的問題

Cocaine had become notorious problems.

4. 試著從冒犯你的人的角度看問題

Try to see things from your offenders angle.

5. 然而,太陽能電池板也有其問題

However, solar panels also have their problems.

6. 這些計劃因為財政問題而中止了。

These plans were abandoned because of financial problems.

7. 它的內在問題正變得越來越嚴重。

Its inherent problems are getting worse.

8. 問題的根本原因不是所有權結構。

The root cause of the problem is not the ownership structure.

9. 氣候變化是一個需要解決的問題

One problem to solve is climate(氣候)change.

10. 所以不要害怕問更多的私人問題

So don't be afraid to ask more personal questions.








名詞 question; problem

1. 他們接連向我提問題。

They bombarded me with questions. / They fired questions at me.

2. 數學問題

mathematical problem

3. 生活作風問題

unethical lifestyle

4. 經常問到的問題

frequently asked question (FAQ)

5. 關於中國歷史的問題

questions about/on Chinese history

6. 問問題

ask a question (of sb); ask (sb) a question

7. 提問題

raise/put/address a question (to sb)

8. 回答問題

answer a question

名詞 problem; question; issue; matter

1. 我不能對這個問題不聞不問。

I cannot pass this question by in silence.

2. 這只是個時間問題。

It is only a matter of time.

3. 這不是錢的問題。

It is not a question of money.

4. 他的動機有問題。

His motives are questionable.

5. 主要問題

main/major problem

6. 枝節問題

minor issue

7. 原則問題

matter of principle

8. 有爭議的問題

disputed question; controversial/contentious issue

9. 生計問題

bread-and-butter question

10. 能源問題

energy question

11. 棘手的問題

awkward question; knotty problem; thorny issue

12. 環境/科學/家庭問題

environmental/scientific/family issue

13. 關鍵問題

key problem/issue

14. 根本問題

basic/fundamental question/issue

15. 問題的實質

essence of a problem

16. 問題的來龍去脈

ins and outs of a problem

17. 問題的關鍵

heart of the matter

18. 正確看待問題

view the problem in its right perspective

19. 掩蓋問題

blanket/cover a question

20. 面對問題

face a problem

21. 考慮問題

consider a problem

22. 解決問題

solve/tackle/settle a problem; solve a question

23. 迴避實質問題

evade/avoid the real issue

24. 發現/分析問題

discover/analyse a problem

25. 出現問題

an issue arises

26. 充分討論問題

discuss at length an issue/a question

27. 澄清問題

clear up a problem

名詞 trouble; mishap; problem; fault

1. 問題的關鍵在於什麼樣的東西對孩子最好。

The point at issue is what is best for the child.

2. 飛機起飛不久發動機就出了問題。

The plane developed engine trouble shortly after takeoff.

3. 揚聲器有問題。

There is a fault in the loudspeaker.

4. 她的汽車出了問題。

She's got a problem with her car.

5. 思想問題

ideological problem

6. 找出問題

locate the fault

7. 清除遺留問題

eliminate the remaining problems

8. 發現問題

find a problem/fault

9. 導致/引起問題

cause a problem

名詞 question; crucial point; key

1. 這種牌子的車的確好,問題是大多數人買不起。

Cars of this make are really good.The problem is that they're beyond the reach of most people.

2. 問題是你是否重視這次會議。

The question is whether you've attached enough importance to the meeting.

名詞 point (to be illustrated)

1. 我今天談四個問題。

I'd like to make four points today.

請問"背單詞"用日語怎麼說 ?
請問甲醛超標用日語怎麼說? ?