船的英文 船用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-23


boat n.舟;小船;帆船;划子;調味汁盆;滷汁船形盆;大客輪;大小不等的船

ship n.海船;輪船;宇宙飛船;三桅帆船;船;艇;飛機

vessel n.船;艦;容器;器皿;管;脈管;血管;人;導管

常用 權威



1. 擺渡船


2. 挖掘船


3. 鑽井船

oil rig

4. 順水船

downstream boat

5. 海員船


6. 摺疊船

collapsible boat; faltboat; foldboat; folding boat

7. 牛皮船

cowhide boat

8. 守護船

standby vessel

9. 船具商

ship's chandler

10. 巡邏船

patrol boat

11. 姊妹船

sister ship

12. 垃圾船

trash boat

13. 出租船

water taxi

14. 香蕉船

banana boat

15. 港務船

harbour (service) boat

16. 領航船

pilot boat/vessel

17. 陰溝裡翻船

capsize in a drain—suffer a defeat/setback which one least expects

18. 海監船

marine surveillance ship

19. 船尾部


20. 排灌船

irrigating vessel


1. 然後他們發現的地板上有一個洞。

Then they found out there was a hole in the floor of the boat.

2. 沒有,人們無法四處走動。

People cannot get around without using boats.

3. 暴風雨把向西吹了好幾天。

The storm blew the ship west for several days.

4. 他把拖到岩石上救他爸爸。

He dragged the boat onto rocks to save his dad.

5. 沒有目標的生活就像沒有指南針的

A life without goal is like a ship without a compass.

6. 水面平靜而清澈,就像下的一面鏡子。

The water was still and clear like a mirror under the boat.

7. 我走上那艘在海難中被吹到海灘上的

I went to the ship's boat that was blown onto the beach in the shipwreck.

8. 然而,洶湧的海浪使保羅很難把推到岸上。

However, the rough (洶湧的) waves made it too hard for Paul to push the boat to land.

9. 幸運的是,他被一艘開往倫敦的發現並接走。

Luckily, he was discovered and picked up by a London-bound (開往倫敦的) ship.

10. 曹衝在的一側劃了一條線,標記的水位有多低。

Cao Chong drew a line on the side of the boat to mark how low it went.


船或船舶,指的是:舉凡利用水的浮力,依靠人力、風帆、發動機(如蒸氣機、燃氣渦輪、柴油引擎、核子動力機組)等動力,牽、拉、推、劃、或推動螺旋槳、高壓噴嘴,使能在水上移動的交通運輸手段。另外,民用船通常稱為船(古稱舳艫)、船舶、輪機、舫,軍用船稱為艦(古稱艨艟)、艦艇,小型船稱為艇、 舢舨、筏或舟,其總稱為艦艇或船舶。


《從海底出擊》(Das Boot)是由沃爾夫岡·彼德森執導,沃爾夫岡·彼德森、洛塔爾·G·布赫海姆擔任編劇,尤爾根·普洛斯諾、赫貝特·格勒內梅厄、Klaus Wennemann等主演的戰爭電影,於1981年9月17日在西德上映。 該片根據洛·布赫海姆的同名暢銷小說改編,講述了第二次世界大戰納粹德國在大西洋海域對英國、美國艦隊發動的U艇海戰,在給對方造成傷害的同時,自身也處在重重危機中的故事。 該片獲得第39屆金球獎最佳外語片提名、第36屆英國電影學院獎最佳外語片提名、第6屆日本電影學院獎最佳外語片提名。



名詞 boat; ship; vessel

1. 這些船將要出航。

The ships are going to sail/make a passage.

2. 遠處地平線上出現了一艘船。

A ship hove in sight above the distant horizon.

3. 船在風暴中上下顛簸。

The boat pitched about in the storm.

4. 船停靠在碼頭。

The ship is in dock.

5. 船擱淺了。

The ship took the bottom. / The ship ran aground./ The ship was grounded.

6. 遠洋船

ocean-going ship/vessel

7. 巡邏船

patrol ship/boat

8. 木船

wooden vessel/ship/boat

9. 快船

swift ship

10. 難民/醫療船

refugee/hospital ship

11. 救援船

rescue/salvage ship

12. 警戒船

look-out ship

13. 港務/引水船

harbour/pilot boat

14. 燈塔船

lightship; light boat/vessel

15. 測量/氣象觀測船

surveying/weather ship

16. 租船

hire/rent a ship

17. 裝船

load a ship

18. 整修船

refit a ship

19. 造船

build a ship

20. 卸船

unload/offload a ship; empty the ship's hold

21. 下船

disembark from a ship

22. 上船

board a ship; take ship; embark

23. 棄船

abandon a ship

24. 駕船

sail/navigate/steer a ship

25. 划船

row a boat

26. 乘/搭船

take a ride in a boat; ride in/on a ship/boat; take ship; take a boat (ride)

27. 沉船

sink/swamp a boat/ship

28. 泊船

moor/anchor a ship

29. 包船

charter a vessel/ship

30. 三條/只船

three boats/ships/vessels

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