解決的英文 解決用英語怎麼說?
solve v.解決;解釋
resolve v.解決;決定;決心;解析;分解;解離;辨析;使(症狀、病情)消散;消退;治癒
settle v.解決;達成;結束;安定;安頓;舒舒服服地坐下;定居;決定;安頓下來;確定
dispose of 處理, 處置掉;處分
finish off 結束某事;完成;吃掉
常用 權威
1. 亟待解決
demand prompt solution
2. 立即解決
make an on-the-spot settlement
3. 尚待解決
await solution
4. 有待解決
remain to be solved
5. 解決矛盾
solve a problem
6. 折中解決
settle (sth) by compromise
7. 解決衝突
resolve the conflict (between)
8. 武力解決
military settlement
9. 解決事情
settle an affair
10. 一攬子解決方案
package/total solution
11. 解決具體問題
solve a particular problem
12. 解決財政問題
resolve fiscal problems
13. 非得馬上解決
have to be solved immediately
14. 解決所有疑難
resolve all doubts and difficulties
15. 解決現實問題
solve problems in reality
16. 要求儘快解決
press for a speedy resolution
17. 認真解決問題
earnestly solve a problem
18. 謀求解決辦法
try to find a solution
19. 課內解決問題
solve problems in class
20. 解決糧食問題
solve the problem of grain
1. 解決爭執有助於減少你的反應性。
Resolving arguments helps to decrease your reactivity.
2. 氣候變化是一個需要解決的問題。
One problem to solve is climate(氣候)change.
3. 他們希望看到問題得到和平解決。
They hoped to see the problem solved peacefully.
4. 需要解決由自動化產生的問題。
Issues arising from automation need to be tackled.
5. 指紋現在是解決犯罪的最簡單方法。
Fingerprints are now the easiest way to solve crimes.
6. 單一回應是最完美的解決措施。
Single response is the perfect remedy.
7. 他們缺乏解決不斷惡化問題的人才。
They lack talent to fix their deepening problems.
8. 它為解決問題提供了有意義的線索。
It provided meaningful clues to solving the problem.
9. DNA可用於解決嚴重的犯罪問題。
DNA can be used to solve serious crimes.
10. 它在解決金融問題上的獨創性。
Its originality in addressing financial issues.
【詞目】 解決 【拼音】 jiějué 【英語解釋】solve 【基本解釋】 處理問題使有結果。
動詞 solve; resolve; settle
1. 這件事應當很快就能解決。
This matter should be fixed up soon.
2. 他們會順利解決這個問題的。
They will find a way to get around the problem.
3. 長期/切實可行的解決辦法
long-term/workable solution
4. 折中解決
settle (sth) by compromise
5. 尋求解決問題/危機的辦法
seek a solution to a problem/crisis
6. 解決問題
smooth away/fix/crack a problem; iron out/resolve a problem; tackle an issue/a problem
7. 解決危機
resolve/tackle/settle a crisis
8. 解決所有疑難
resolve all doubts and difficulties
9. 解決糧食短缺問題
resolve grain shortages
10. 解決國際爭端
settle international disputes
11. 解決分歧
resolve/overcome differences; work/hammer out differences
動詞 dispose of; finish off
1. 這一仗他們解決了敵人一個營。
In the battle they finished off a battalion of the enemy.