三的英文 三用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-03


three num.三;三個;三歲;三點鐘;三個人一組;三號;三點的紙牌

third num.第三;三分之一;第三位;第三名;第三擋;第三壘;三年級;三度音程;三度音

several det. & pro.幾個;數個

many det., pron. & adj.許多;很多

few det., pron., & adj.少量;幾個;沒幾個;幾乎沒有

常用 權威



1. 三相電流

three-phase current

2. 三連音符


3. 三轉九彎

many twists and turns

4. 三腳凳

three-legged stool

5. 三連敗

three-game losing streak

6. 三角閥

triangle valve; angle valve

7. 三車道公路

three-lane road

8. 三爪兒鍋

pan standing on three feet

9. 三進位制運算

ternary arithmetic

10. 三星級賓館

three-star hotel

11. 三十公尺長

30 metres long

12. 正北三公里

three kilometres due north

13. 八秩晉三

eighty-three years old

14. 三綹毛線

three strands of wool

15. 三牙輪鑽頭

three cone bit

16. 三聽咖啡

three tins of coffee

17. 三氯化鋨

osmium trichloride

18. 蛤蟆蹦三蹦,還得歇三歇

even frogs don't hop nonstop

19. 種了三畦大蒜

grow three beds of garlic

20. 投了個三不沾

shoot an air ball


1. 耳朵有部分:外耳、中耳和內耳。

The ear has three parts: the outer ear (外耳), the middle ear and the inner ear (內耳) .

2. D列印是另一項極具潛力的新技術。

Three-dimensional printing is another new technology with exciting possibilities.

3. 他在所學校工作以支付大學教育費用。

He worked at three schools to pay for his college education.

4. Isaac Asimov在設計他的機器人定律時迴避了整個道德的概念。

Isaac Asimov evaded the whole notion of morality in devising his three laws of robotics.

5. 歌唱家應聽眾要求又唱了首歌。

The singer gave three encores.

6. 這個檔案要印一式兩//四份。

This document should be printed in duplicate/triplicate/quadruplicate.

7. 停兒去了兩停兒,還剩一停兒。

When two thirds are taken away, there is only one third left.

8. 我們班男女生人數對比是一比

The ratio between boys and girls/of boys to girls in our class is one to three.

9. 寧可早到小時,不可晚來一分鐘。

Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.

10. 五停兒蘋果有停兒是壞的。

Three out of five apples are rotten. / Three-fifths of the apples are rotten.


三,數名,二加一(在鈔票和單據上常用大寫“叄”代)。 三維空間。三部曲。三國(中國古代一個歷史時期)。

《三》是人氣偶像歌手胡夏2013發行的全新專輯,包括了改變 、學著走和離家以後三首曲目。



數詞 three; third

1. 油箱滿到四分之三。

The tank is three-quarters full.

2. 他敲了三次。

He knocked thrice.

3. 瑞士是一個使用三種語言的國家。

Switzerland is a trilingual country.

4. 將本表格填寫一式三份。

Fill in the form in triplicate.

5. 三三得九。

Three times three is nine.

6. 增加三倍

increase by threefold

7. 第三


8. 三個三個地到來

arrive in threes

9. 三星將軍

three-star general

10. 三星級賓館

three-star hotel

11. 三位數

three digits

12. 三人舞

threesome dance

13. 三路攻擊

three-pronged attack

14. 三類郵件

third-class mail

15. 三腳凳

three-legged stool

16. 三件套的衣服

three-piece suit

17. 三車道公路

three-lane road

18. 三層樓的公寓

triplex apartment

19. 三倍劑量的藥

triple dose of medicine

20. 三班

class 3

21. 三把傘/頭牛/匹馬

three umbrellas/cattle/horses

數詞 more than two; several; many

數詞 few

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