自豪的英文 自豪用英語怎麼說?
proud of 自豪;驕傲;感到自豪
常用 權威
1. 自豪感
sense of pride
2. 無比自豪
be infinitely proud
3. 民族自豪感
national pride
1. 我為這份沒人要的工作感到自豪。
I took pride in the job nobody wanted.
2. 他們會為自己是開拓者而感到自豪。
They will feel proud of being pioneers.
3. 博克對自己的工作感到自豪
Bock takes pride in his work.
4. 自豪的居民開始稱簡為塔科特納女王。
Proud residents then started to refer to Jan as Queen of Takotna.
5. 他們為自己的美食感到自豪。
They were proud of their cuisine.
6. 我很自豪我要上大學了。
I was very proud that I was going to a college.
7. 他們為自己是解決問題的能手而感到自豪
They feel proud of being outstanding problem solvers.
8. 我代表學生髮表了演講,我為自己感到非常自豪。
On behalf of the students, I made a speech, and I felt very proud of myself.
9. 當我們成功登上泰山之巔時,我們為自己感到自豪。
When we succeeded in reaching the top of Mount Tai, we felt proud of ourselves.
10. 每個中國人都為我們的科技而自豪,比如高速鐵路。
Every Chinese takes pride in our scientific technology, such as high-speed railway.
形詞 proud of; taking pride in
1. 他以自己的家庭為自豪。
He is proud of his family.