心的英文 心用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-16


heart n.心臟;中心;最裡面;心形;肥力;心情;勇氣;情緒;熱情;胸部

mind n.頭腦;智力;思維能力;注意力;心思;思維;意願;記憶力;意向;正常思維

thinking adj.有思考力的;有理性的;思想的

feeling n.感覺;看法;想法;知覺;對…的悟性;…感;感情;激情;觸覺;強烈的感情

mood n.心境;心情;情緒;精神狀態;語氣;三段論的式;三段論形式;氣氛;心情不好;生氣

intention n.預期的東西;目的;計劃;癒合;意念;意圖

thought n.想法;意見;見解;主意;思考;思索;思想活動;思想;思維;考慮

centre n.中心;心;集中之處;(Centre)中央大區;中鋒

core n.核心部分;最重要部分;根本;果核

xin n.辛

常用 權威



1. 憐憫心


2. 啤酒心

beer heart

3. 懷有異心

harbour disloyalty

4. 萵苣心

heart of lettuce

5. 惼心


6. 心路窄

be narrow-minded

7. 脂肪心

cardiodemia; fatty/fat heart

8. 公益心

public spirit

9. 火熱的心

fervent passion

10. 年輕的心

young heart

11. 心肝火盛

flaring heart-fire and liver-fire

12. 熾熱的心

fervent heart

13. 快樂的心

happy heart

14. 提溜著心

have one's heart in one's mouth—be extremely anxious/worried

15. 一顆破碎的心

a broken heart

16. 心粗的人

careless person

17. 黃鼠狼給雞拜年,沒安好心

when he makes a courtesy call to a hen, the weasel harbours no good intentions—not with the best of intentions; mean no good


1. 今天,我們需要的是同理,而不是靈感。

Today, we want empathy, not inspiration.

2. 據說,躁動的對眼前的任何事物都會關注。

It is said that the mind is restless and pays attention to whatever is in front of it.

3. 她的在瘋狂地跳動,她的思緒在飛速運轉。

Her heart was beating wildly and her mind raced.

4. 也許我可以用我破碎的的碎片做一個鑲嵌畫。

Maybe I could make a mosaic (鑲嵌畫) by using the pieces of my broken heart.

5. 他走到老人面前,撕下一塊自己的給了老人。

He walked up to the old man, tore a piece of his heart and gave the piece to the old man.

6. 但現在,中國品牌已經贏得了國內外人民的

But now Chinese brands have won the hearts of people at home and abroad.

7. 一本是精裝書《》,一本是平裝書《彼得潘》。

A hardback book Heart and a paperback book Peter Pan.

8. 經過五個小時的旅行,瑪麗的很溫暖,她過得很愉快。

After the five-hour trip, Mary's heart was warm, and she had a pleasant time.

9. 事實上,一個真正的朋友會握住我們的手,觸動我們的

As a matter of fact, a true friend reaches for our hands and touches our hearts.

10. 年輕人看著自己的,它已不再完美,但比以往任何時候都美麗。

The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever.


心(xīn),是現代漢語常用字,單一結構,“心”本意是心臟。古人認為心是思維的器官,因此把思想、感情都說做“心”。又由思維器官引申為心思、思想、意念、感情、性情等,又引申為思慮、謀劃。心臟在人體的中央位置,故“心”又有中央、中心、中間部位等義。組詞有心臟、心態、心跳等。 相關詩詞有商末季歷《哀慕歌》“哀喪腹心,未寫中懷。”




名詞 heart

1. 我的心怦怦直跳。

My heart leapt up/thumped.

2. 他的心跳得很快。

His heart was beating fast.

名詞 mind; thinking

1. 眼不見,心不煩。

Out of sight, out of mind.

名詞 heart; feeling; mood

1. 快樂的心

happy heart

2. 愛國之心

patriotic feelings

3. 贏得某人的心

capture/win sb's heart

4. 傷人心

break/hurt/wound sb's feeling

5. 定下心來

compose one's thoughts

名詞 intention; mind; thought

1. 當你心中感恩,恐懼會消失,內心也會感到豐裕富足。

When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.

2. 一心想留下

have/with every intention to stay

3. 出於好心

be well-meant

4. 心存報復

nurse thoughts of revenge

名詞 moral nature; true state of mind; heart

1. 他有時脾氣壞,但他心挺好。

He is sometimes bad-tempered but his heart is in the right place.

2. 人老心不老

be young at heart

3. 好心人

kind-hearted person

名詞 centre; core; heart

1. 萵苣心

heart of lettuce

名詞 xin [fifth of the twenty-eight constellations(二十八宿)in ancient Chinese astronomy]

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