做運動的英文 做運動用英語怎麼說?
take exercises 鍛鍊;鍛鍊身體
do sports 做運動;做體育活動;做體育鍛煉
do exercise 做運動;做練習;鍛鍊
常用 重點詞彙
1. 每天做運動會使人保持良好的狀態。
Doing sports daily will make people stay in good condition.
2. 一旦你到達目的地,別忘了做運動。
Once you get to your location, don't forget to do exercise.
3. 做運動可以使人更快樂,更健康,更自信。
Doing sports can make people happier, healthier, and more confident.
4. 總是做運動的人比不做運動的人情緒更高昂。
People who always do sports are in higher spirits than those who don't.
5. 這是一個幫助殘疾兒童做運動和結交新朋友的專案。
It is a program that helps disabled kids do sports and make new friends.
6. 當你做運動時,如20分鐘的步行,你的大腦會得到更多的氧氣。
Your brain gets more oxygen when you do exercise like a 20-minute walk.
7. 我爺爺經常做運動,所以我在他六十歲生日時給他買了一件t恤。
My grandpa often does sports, so I bought him a T-shirt for his sixtieth birthday.
8. 我們可以在操場上玩或者做運動。
We can play and do some sports there.
9. 強大的女人每天做運動保持身材。
A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape.
10. 老年人做運動時不應該做過頭了。
Old people shouldn't over do it when (they are) exercising.
take exercises; do sports; do exercise