膝蓋的英文 膝蓋用英語怎麼說?
knee n.膝關節;膝蓋;拐點;大腿上面;膝部;下襬;肘板;肘材;曲線圖的彎曲處
常用 權威
1. 膝蓋積水
water on the knee
2. 膝蓋囊腫
housemaids knee; prepatellar bursitis
3. 膝蓋損傷
knee injury
4. 使膝蓋受傷
hurt one's knee
5. 騎坐在膝蓋上
sit astride sb's knee
6. 打碎了他的膝蓋
broke his knee-caps
1. 在你起跳的頂部,膝蓋靠近胸部。
At the top of your jump, bring the knees to the chest.
2. 哦,他跳的時候摔了一跤,傷了膝蓋。
Oh, he fell and hurt his knee when he was jumping.
3. 我假裝膝蓋受傷,這樣我就可以避開了。
I pretended (假裝) to hurt my knee so I could avoid it.
4. 我感到肘部和膝蓋在流血。
I felt my elbows and knees bleeding.
5. 湯姆從腳踏車上摔下來,然後膝蓋受了傷。
Tom fell off his bike and hurt his knee.
6. 他感到膝蓋一陣劇痛。
He felt a sharp pain in his knee.
7. 用手夠到你的腳趾,膝蓋別彎曲。
Touch your toes with your hand but without bending your knees.
8. 混凝土地面把我的膝蓋蹭疼了。
I scraped my knee painfully on the concrete floor.
9. 我摔了一跤,膝蓋上搶去了一塊皮。
I fell and scraped my knee.
10. 他的左膝蓋上了半年的石膏。
His left knee was in plaster for six months.
膝蓋是人體身體部位,位於大小腿之間的連線部位。 膝蓋主要內部組成結構為半月板以及四條韌帶。半月板可以緩衝膝關節的震動以及避免兩塊骨頭的直接摩擦。它由四條主要的韌帶支撐著,有兩條在膝的兩側,主要是防止膝部軸離位;另兩條韌帶則分別分佈在膝前後方,作用是防止膝部前後移位。
名詞 knee; knee-caps
1. 打碎了他的膝蓋
broke his knee-caps
2. 跌傷膝蓋
be wounded in the knee by a fall
3. 使膝蓋受傷
hurt one's knee
名詞 (of a piece of clothing that covers the knee) knee
1. 膝蓋有補丁的褲子
a pair of trousers with a patch at the knees