發音的英文 發音用英語怎麼說?
pronounce v.發音;宣佈;宣告;宣稱;斷言;表示;表態;就…發表意見
articulate adj.流利連貫的;有關節的;有連線部分的;腕足動物的
enunciate v.念;發;發表;闡述;宣佈
pronunciation n.發音;發音方法;讀法
常用 權威
1. 發音學
2. 爆發音
plosive; explosive
3. 矯正發音
correct sb's pronunciation
4. 發音器官
vocal organ; organ of speech; articulator
5. 練習發音
practise pronunciation
6. 發音部位
place of articulation;point/place of articulation
7. 標準發音
standard pronunciation; Received Pronunciation (RP)
8. 發音準確
be accurate in pronunciation
9. 純正的發音
perfect pronunciation
1. 今天我將談談如何改善你的發音。
Today I'll talk about how to improve your pronunciation.
2. 我最大的問題就是不會正確發音。
My biggest problem is that I can't get the pronunciation right.
3. 因為發音不好,我不敢問問題。
I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation (pronounce).
4. 現在你已經掌握了單詞的正確發音。
Now you've got the correct pronunciations of the words.
5. 所有學生都必須注意每個單詞的發音。
All the students have to pay attention to the pronunciation of each word.
6. 奇怪,因為同一個單詞你發音不一樣。
Strange,because you pronounce the same words differently.
7. 對許多非英語母語的人來說,發音困難。
Pronunciation difficulty for many non-native English speakers.
8. 所謂專家,我指的是那些不太可能犯發音錯誤的人。
By experts, I mean those who are less likely to make pronunciation mistakes.
9. 它的發音對我來說很好,而且它的詞彙和英語很相似。
The pronunciation is fine with me, and its vocabulary is similar to English.
10. 一個原因是大多數人甚至沒有意識到他們的發音錯誤。
One reason is that most people are not even aware of their mispronunciations.
發音,漢語詞語,出自《淮南子·氾論訓》:“憤於志,積於內,盈而發音,則莫不比於律。”南朝·宋·顏延之 《宋文皇帝元皇后哀策文》:“發音在詠,動容成紀。” 元·範梈《寄謝周文學》詩:“發音詠隆施,重見能來無。”指人透過控制咽喉部的氣流強弱、聲帶振動所發出的聲音(多指語言和音樂)。
動詞 pronounce; articulate; enunciate
1. debt中的b不發音。
The ‘b' in ‘debt' is mute/silent/not pronounced.
2. 這個詞怎麼發音?
How to pronounce the word?
3. 他發音清晰。
He enunciates very well.
4. 發音方法
method of articulation/pronunciation
名詞 pronunciation
1. 清楚的/不清楚的發音
articulate/inarticulate pronunciation
2. 純正的發音
perfect pronunciation
3. 標準發音
standard pronunciation; Received Pronunciation (RP)
4. 學到英語的正確發音
acquire a good pronunciation of English
5. 練習發音
practise pronunciation
6. 糾正發音
correct one's/sb's pronunciation
7. 查一個詞的發音
look up the pronunciation of a word