白天的英文 白天用英語怎麼說?
day n.一天;時期;時代;(Day)人名:戴
daytime n.白天;日間
常用 權威
1. 白天班機
daytime flight
2. 大白天說夢話
3. 不分白天黑夜地幹活
work day and night
4. 白天不做虧心事, 夜裡不怕鬼敲門
a quiet conscience sleeps in (the midst of) thunder; a clear conscience is a soft pillow
1. 白天你最好按自己的方式小睡一會兒。
You'd better take a nap of in your own way in the daytime.
2. 白天遠離太陽是很重要的。
It's important to stay out of the sun during the day.
3. 根據這篇文章,白天喝牛奶的老鼠活動較少。
According to the passage, the mice fed with daytime milk were less active.
4. 他們通常白天在學校用電腦工作至少兩個小時。
They usually work on computers at school for at least two hours during the day.
5. 白天,即使在陰涼處,溫度也可能達到40℃。
During the daytime, the temperature may reach 40℃ even in the shade (陰涼處).
6. 我感到很迷茫,不停地問自己白天能有什麼樂趣。
I felt lost and kept asking myself (我自己) what fun I could have during the day.
7. 白天,Robert Titterton是一名律師。
By day, Robert Titterton is a lawyer.
8. 隨著他們的移動能力越來越強,我們讓他們白天在家裡自由活動。
As they grew more mobile, we let them move freely around the house during the day.
9. 白天,最熱的時候在下午2點到4點之間,這段時間氣溫能上升到33攝氏度。
During the day, the hottest time is between 2 pm and 4 pm when temperatures rise to 33℃.
10. 3月7日下午4點到6點將在學校禮堂舉行英語演講。\我們的新發明可以在白天的任何天氣下發電,\他說。
\Our new invention can produce electricity in any weather during the day, \ he says.
白天,男,漢族,1952年10月生,陝西省清澗縣人,1971年2月加入中國共產黨,1968年10月參加工作,學歷大專(解放軍國際關係學院英語),助理翻譯。 曾任深圳市人大常委會主任、黨組書記,市友協副會長。
白天,男,1971年4月出生於陝西西安。 現任外交部涉外安全事務司司長。
名詞 day; daytime
1. 他白天在辦公室上班,晚上開出租車。
He works in an office by day and drives a taxi by night.
2. 白天漸漸比夜晚長了。
The days are gaining on the nights.
3. 在大白天
in broad/open daylight
4. 在白天
in the daytime; at daytime; in/during daylight; during the day; by day
5. 不分白天黑夜地幹活
work day and night