不好的英文 不好用英語怎麼說?
no good 沒好;沒有好處;沒好事
bad adj.糟糕的;差的;拙劣的;劣質的;令人不快的;惡劣的;不幸的;邪惡的;道德敗壞的;受傷的;生病的;疼痛的;腐爛的;遺憾的;後悔的;難過的;無價值的;偽造的;好的;特棒的
1. 口碑不好
have a bad name
2. 年光不好
lean year
3. 收成不好
have a poor harvest
4. 不好染
dye badly
5. 眼神兒不好
have poor eyesight
6. 嗓子不好
be out of one's voice
7. 不好駕駛
handle poorly
8. 大事不好
things look pretty bad; a disaster looms
9. 不好意思再問
hesitate to ask again
10. 有點兒不好意思
be somewhat embarrassed
11. 抱怨自己記性不好
complain of one's bad memory
12. 抱怨服務質量不好
complain about the service
13. 埋怨自己記性不好
complain of one's bad memory
1. 大資料也可以被用於不好的原因。
Big data can also be used for bad reasons.
2. 對團隊成員或競爭對手錶現不好。
Behave badly to his team members or competitors.
3. 你會很樂意用不好的論據說服別人。
You will be happy to convince people with bad arguments.
4. 因為發音不好,我不敢問問題。
I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation (pronounce).
5. 對你不好的人不是你的朋友。
People who do unkind things to you are not your friends.
6. 如果你收到不好的訊息,請不要回復。
If you get bad messages, don't reply.
7. 他睡得不好,也不想吃東西。
He slept badly and didn't feel like eating.
8. 它在回收方面一直做得不好。
It has not been doing a good job in recycling.
9. 學生玩電子遊戲是不好的。
It is not good for students to play video games.
10. 由於天氣不好,我們的計劃突然改變了。
Because of the bad weather, there was a sudden change of our plan.
不好(bù hǎo、bù hào),漢語詞語,讀作bù hǎo時,釋義為不善、不便、不舒服(指生病),如“就思想狀況來說……少數人是不好的,是非馬克思列寧主義思想。”;讀作bù hào時,釋義為不喜愛,如“他為人正直,不好酒色。” 不好,相關詩詞有《楚辭·離騷》“吾令鴆為媒兮,鴆告餘以不好。”