免費的英文 免費用英語怎麼說?
free adj.不受他人控制的;自由的;無拘無束的;身體自由不受限制的;未固定的;不受阻礙的;有空的;空閒的;不受(特定之事;尤指令人不快之事)控制的;不收費的;免費提供的;出手大方的;大手大腳的;浪費的;不拘泥於嚴格格式的;順的
常用 權威
1. 免費醫療
free medical care;free medical care
2. 免費樣品
free sample
3. 免費乘車
get a free ride
4. 免費軟體
5. 免費運輸
give free transportation
6. 免費教育
free education
7. 免費續杯
free refill; free top-up
8. 免費送貨
free delivery
9. 免費午餐
free lunch
10. 免費票
free ticket
11. 免費試用
free trial
12. 免費泊車
free parking
13. 免費供應午餐
provide free lunches
14. 終身免費醫療
free medical services for life
15. 免費送貨上門
make free home delivery
16. 免費蹭網
siphon a free Wi-Fi
17. 免費提供食品和飲料
offer free food and drinks
18. 天下沒有免費的午餐
there is no such thing as a free lunch; nothing comes free
1. 學生持身份證可以免費參加活動。
Students with I.D. cards can attend the events for free.
2. 他經常免費修理人們的破腳踏車。
He often fixes up people's broken bikes for free.
3. 他們還為孩子們提供免費玩具!
They also provide kids with free toys!
4. 孩子們可以免費下載許多遊戲。
Children can download many games for free.
5. 生活中最好的東西是免費的。
The best things in life are free.
6. 給無家可歸的人免費的食物。
Give free meals to the homeless.
7. 他提出為任何需要的人免費修理腳踏車。
He offered to fix bikes free of charge for anyone who needed it.
8. 免費入場並不能鼓勵遊客們去參觀博物館。
Free entry doesn't encourage visitors to museums.
9. 國民保健服務是免費的,完全由政府提供。
The National Heath Service was free and wholly publicly provided.
10. 學生有權免費獲得校服。
Students have the right to get school uniforms for free.
動詞 be free of charge; be cost-free
1. 憑此卡可以免費入場。
Admission is free on presentation of this card.
2. 這種日曆可以免費索取。
The calendar is free for the asking.
3. 免費安裝。
There will be no charge for installation.
4. 免費醫療
free medical care
5. 免費試用
free trial
6. 免費教育
free education
7. 免費提供食品和飲料
offer free food and drinks
8. 免費送貨上門
deliver goods to the door free of charge
9. 免費入學
be enrolled with tuition waived/with a tuition waiver
10. 免費旅遊
go on a tour gratis; travel for nothing; be on a free tour (of)
11. 免費供應午餐
provide free lunches
12. 免費參觀展覽
be admitted to the exhibition gratis