繁忙的英文 繁忙用英語怎麼說?
busy adj.忙碌的;繁忙的;熱鬧的;雜亂的;忙音的;專注於…的;忙於…的;充滿活動的;裝飾過分的;電話線佔線的
bustling vi.喧鬧;忙亂;(bustle的現在分詞形式)
常用 權威
1. 工作繁忙
be busily engaged
2. 警務繁忙
be busy with police affairs
3. 編務繁忙
be busy with editorial work
4. 政務繁忙
be busy with government affairs
5. 軍務繁忙
be busy with military affairs
6. 農事繁忙
be busy with farm work
7. 繁忙的機場
busy airport
8. 繁忙的交通
heavy traffic
9. 繁忙的一天
heavy day
10. 繁忙緊張的活動
hive of activity
1. 總有一天常德會變得像深圳一樣繁忙。
Someday Changde will become as busy (busy) as Shenzhen.
2. 我們繁忙
We're looking for Saturday assistants (幫手) in our busy town centre restaurant.
3. 巴黎繁忙的街道凹凸不平,滿是厚厚的泥巴。
The busy streets in Paris were uneven and caked in thick mud.
4. 交通燈通常設在繁忙的街角,以幫助控制交通。
Traffic lights are usually placed at busy street corners to help control traffic.
5. 一小段車程後,我們來到了一個繁忙嘈雜的工廠。
A short drive later, we arrived at a busy, noisy factory.
6. 他們喜歡在繁忙、緊張的世界中進行一些簡單的活動。
They love simple activities in the busy, stressful world.
7. 有人建議我坐火車,因為那個時候交通通常是最繁忙的。
I was advised to take the train because the traffic is often the busiest at that time.
8. 我們可以以每小時480公里的速度飛行,避開紅綠燈和繁忙的道路。
We could fly at 480 km per hour, avoiding traffic lights and busy roads.
9. 城裡人頭攢動,一片繁忙。
The town was bustling with people and activity.
10. 到了市場,一派喧嚷繁忙的景象展現在眼前。
As we reached the marketplace, a scene of hustle and bustle presented itself before our eyes.
形詞 busy; bustling
1. 事務繁忙,無法分身。
I can hardly spare myself from my heavy duties.
2. 城裡人頭攢動,一片繁忙。
The town was bustling with people and activity.
3. 繁忙的一天
heavy day
4. 繁忙的日程表
hectic/jammed schedule
5. 繁忙緊張的活動
hive of activity
6. 繁忙的交通
heavy traffic
7. 繁忙的機場
busy airport
8. 工作繁忙
be busily engaged