矛盾的英文 矛盾用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-12



contradiction n.矛盾;對立;牴觸;反駁;駁斥;自相矛盾的人

conflict n.意見不一;爭論;武裝衝突;牴觸;武裝鬥爭;戰爭;衝突;矛盾

inconsistency n.不一致;不協調;不一致的情況;不協調的因素

problem n.問題;疑難問題;習題;困難;難事;作圖題;棋式;棋題;排局

contradictory adj.互相對立的;互相矛盾的;矛盾的

conflicting adj.相矛盾的;衝突的;相沖突的

opposing adj.對抗的;對手的;相對的;對面的;相反的;對立的

常用 權威



1. 鬧矛盾

be at loggerheads (with)

2. 矛盾律

law of contradiction

3. 潛在矛盾

latent contradiction

4. 階級矛盾

class contradiction

5. 矛盾百出

be full of contradictions

6. 次要矛盾

secondary contradiction

7. 對抗性矛盾

antagonistic contradiction

8. 內在矛盾

inherent contradictions

9. 深層矛盾

deep-seated contradictions

10. 緩解矛盾

alleviate the problem of

11. 主要矛盾

principal contradiction

12. 矛盾人格

conflicting personality

13. 緩和矛盾

mitigate the contradiction

14. 供需矛盾

imbalance between supply and demand

15. 根本矛盾

fundamental contradiction

16. 用詞矛盾

contradiction in terms

17. 解決矛盾

solve a problem

18. 化解矛盾

resolve contradictions; settle a dispute

19. 內部矛盾

internal contradictions

20. 矛盾情感

emotional ambivalence


1. 這與我今天的感覺完全矛盾

That's completely at odds with how I feel today.

2. 這一領域的研究發現了相互矛盾的結果。

Studies in this area have found conflicting results.

3. 政策不明確,自相矛盾

The policy is unclear and contradictory.

4. 矛盾的是,懶惰是完成任何工作的必要條件。

Idleness is, paradoxically, necessary to getting any work done.

5. 矛盾的是,最近\無聊\對於學者而言變得相當有趣。

Boredom has, paradoxically, become quite interesting to academics lately.

6. 但批評人士表示,該政策與許多健康專家的建議相矛盾

But critics say the policy contradicts recommendations by many health experts.

7. 反移民的情緒尤其高漲,同時種族和階級矛盾也變得更加劇烈。

Anti-immigrant sentiment typically increases, as does conflict between races and classes.

8. 兄弟倆為父親留下的遺產鬧矛盾

The two brothers fell out with each other over an inheritance from their father.

9. 你的論點自相矛盾,不能自圓其說。

Your argument is self-contradictory and internally inconsistent.

10. 這兩個國家發生矛盾已有二十多年。

The two countries have been in conflict for twenty odd years.








名詞 spear and shield [two different weapons in ancient times]

1. 以子之矛攻子之盾

turn sb's battery against himself

名詞 contradiction

1. 對抗性/非對抗性矛盾

antagonistic/nonantagonistic contradiction

2. 矛盾的主要方面

principal aspect of contradiction

3. 矛盾的同一性

identity of opposites

4. 矛盾的特殊性

particularity of contradiction

5. 矛盾的普遍性

universality of contradiction

6. 矛盾的鬥爭性

struggle of opposites

7. 矛盾的次要方面

secondary aspect of contradiction

8. 矛盾的轉化

transformation of a contradiction

名詞 conflict; contradiction; inconsistency; problem

1. 這兩個國家發生矛盾已有二十多年。

The two countries have been in conflict for twenty odd years.

2. 這次邊境衝突加深了兩國間的矛盾。

The border clash deepened/increased the contradictions between the two countries.

3. 兄弟倆為父親留下的遺產鬧矛盾。

The two brothers fell out with each other over an inheritance from their father.

4. 他陷入矛盾之中。

He fell into contradictions.

5. 用詞矛盾

contradiction in terms

6. 上層建築與經濟基礎的矛盾

contradictions between superstructure and economic base

7. 兩種理論的矛盾之處

repugnance between two theories

8. 心情有些矛盾

be in two minds (about sth)

9. 思想上產生矛盾

undergo an inner conflict

10. 鬧矛盾

be at loggerheads (with)

11. 矛盾重重

be beset with numerous contradictions

12. 矛盾百出

contain many contradictions; be full of holes and contradictions; teem with contradictions

13. 有矛盾

be at variance (with); be at odds (with)

14. 屬於人民內部矛盾

belong to contradictions within the ranks of the people

15. 解決矛盾

solve a problem

16. 激化矛盾

aggravate/intensify contradiction

17. 緩解矛盾

alleviate the problem of

18. 避免矛盾

avoid conflicts

形詞 contradictory; conflicting; opposing

1. 她的心情很矛盾。

Her feelings are mixed.

2. 他對那些事情的說法前後矛盾。

His account of the events was inconsistent.

3. 她的言行相互矛盾。

Her actions contradicted her words.

4. 與國際慣例相矛盾

contradict international practice

5. 互相矛盾的報告

conflicting reports
