光滑的英文 光滑用英語怎麼說?
smooth adj.光滑的;平滑的;醇和的;不苦的;均勻的;細膩的;無風浪的;平靜的;平穩的
glossy adj.有光澤的;光滑的;用高質量的有光紙印刷的;時髦動人的;富麗堂皇的
sleek adj.光滑的;柔滑的;衣冠楚楚的;油亮的;有光澤的;富態的;造型優美的;流線型的;迎合討好的;虛情假意的
satiny adj.光滑的;緞子似的;有緞子般光澤的
常用 權威
1. 光滑度
2. 光滑的石頭
smooth-faced stone
3. 分段光滑函式
piecewise smooth function
4. 柔軟光滑的頭髮
soft and silken hair
1. 把揹包放在光滑表面上,齊腰高。
Put the pack on a smooth surface, at waist height.
2. 將揹包放在比腰部高的光滑表面上。
Put the pack on a smooth surface, above the waist height.
3. 老闆注意到這個年輕人的手光滑而完美。
The employer noticed that the young man's hands were smooth and perfect.
4. 把你的消化道想象成一個非常長的管子,裡面有光滑的肌肉組織。
Think of your digestive tract(消化道)as a really long tube lined with smooth muscle tissue.
5. 這塊木板一面光滑,一面粗糙。
The wooden board is smooth on one side and coarse on the other.
6. 傢俱上蠟以後表面很光滑。
The furniture has a gloss after being polished.
7. 這種絲絨摸上去很光滑。
This velvet is smooth to touch/feel.
8. 大理石摸起來很光滑。
Marble is smooth to the touch.
9. 她的皮膚光滑細膩。
Her skin is satiny and delicate.
10. 這種紙質地光滑。
The paper has glossy texture.
形詞 smooth; glossy; sleek; satiny
1. 這種絲絨摸上去很光滑。
This velvet is smooth to touch/feel.
2. 她的皮膚光滑細膩。
Her skin is satiny and delicate.
3. 傢俱上蠟以後表面很光滑。
The furniture has a gloss after being polished.
4. 表面光滑如鏡。
The surface is specular.
5. 光滑的石頭
smooth-faced stone