在今天的英文 在今天用英語怎麼說?
today adv.今天;今日;現今;在當代
常用 重點詞彙
1. 即使在今天,美國每年仍售出約13萬張。
Even today around 130, 000 copies are sold in the USA every year.
2. 在今天的節目中,我們將看到最近釋出的兩項調查的結果。
And in today's program, we are looking at the results of two recently published surveys.
3. 即使在今天,這位英國小說家仍然受到全世界讀者的喜愛。
Even today, the British novelist is loved by readers all over the world.
4. 當李白五歲的時候,他的家人定居在今天四川省的一個小鎮上。
When Li Bai was five years old, his family settled in a town in today's Sichuan province.
5. 即使在今天,辛勤有用之人也被稱為\地球之鹽(社會中堅)\。
Even today, the hard working useful people are described as \the salt of the earth\.
6. 在今天的談話中,我們將討論經理們如何讓他們的員工去做他們被要求做的事情。
In today's talk, we'll discuss how managers can get their staff to do what they are asked.
7. 選民們在今天的選票上打叉前應該問一個問題。
Voters should ask one question before they cross today's ballot paper.
8. 但不要只是在今天,要在每一天。
And not just today, but everyday.
9. 勞動分工在今天的企業中很重要.
Division of labour is important in industry today.
10. 原先綁匪威脅說在今天處決人質。
The captors had threatened to kill the group today.