工資的英文 工資用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-12



wage n.工資;工錢;工資總額;報應

salary n.薪金;薪水

pay v.付錢給;償還;付出代價;受到懲罰;予以;致以;表達;用瀝青(或焦油)填塞(甲板或木船接縫)以防止漏水;懲罰;獎賞

常用 權威



1. 工資袋

wage packet; pay envelope

2. 工資制

wage system

3. 工資表

payroll; pay sheet

4. 工資率

wage/pay rate

5. 工資調節稅

wage regulation tax

6. 克減工資

dock one's salary

7. 陽光工資

sunshine salary/wage

8. 應得工資

well-earned wage

9. 工資指數

wage index

10. 基本工資

base pay; basic pay/salary/wage

11. 六位數工資

six-figure salary

12. 彈性工資

flexible pay

13. 工資名單


14. 工資結構

salary structure; wage structure;salary structure

15. 效益工資

efficiency-/achievement-related wage; wage based on benefits

16. 名義工資

nominal wage

17. 工資改革

wage reform; reform of the wage system

18. 八級工資制

eight-grade wage system

19. 付工資

pay wages

20. 拿工資

get one's pay


1. 隨著經濟的好轉,工資普遍上漲。

The general pay rise with a better economy.

2. 16歲以下的兒童沒有最低工資

There is no lowest wage(工資) for children under 16.

3. 執行長的工資確實上漲了。

It is true that CEO pay has gone up.

4. 這些專家認為關注工資是錯誤的方法。

These experts argue that focusing on wage is the wrong approach.

5. 研究表明,身體質量指數與工資和收入有關。

Researchers have shown that body mass index is related to wages and income.

6. 你只能得到一點點工資,但可以學到很多東西。

You can only get a little pay but learn a lot.

7. 工資終於發下來了。

The pay arrived at last.

8. 詢問他們的工資

Inquiring about their salary to be paid.

9. 她對工資不滿意。

She is not satisfied with the salary.

10. 此外,執行長的最高工資是付給外部候選人的。

Furthermore, the highest CEO salaries are paid to outside candidates.






名詞 wage; salary; pay

1. 休假期間工資照發。

Wages will be paid as usual during the holiday.

2. 他的工資每年都有所增加。

His pay goes up every year.

3. 最低工資

minimum wage/salary

4. 周工資

weekly pay/wage; wage

5. 月工資

monthly pay/salary

6. 效率工資

efficiency wages; wages based on efficiency

7. 實物工資

wage in kind

8. 實際工資

real/actual wages

9. 實得工資

take-home pay

10. 平均工資

average pay/salary/wage

11. 六位數工資

six-figure salary

12. 勞動工資

labour wages

13. 獎勵工資

bonus wages

14. 加班工資

overtime pay/wages

15. 計時工資

hourly/time wage; hourly pay; wages/payment by the hour

16. 計件工資

wage for piece work; wage by the piece; piecework wage; piece wage

17. 基本工資

basic salary/wages; basic pay

18. 貨幣工資

money/cash wages

19. 固定工資

fixed/regular salary

20. 高工資

good /high/competitive/generous wage/pay/salary

21. 附加工資

supplementary wage

22. 浮動工資

wage in sliding scale; floating wage

23. 工資外收入

income other than one's salary

24. 工資凍結

wage freeze

25. 低工資

small wage/pay/salary; low wage/pay/salary

26. 掙工資

earn/make wages

27. 增加工資

increase/raise sb's wage/salary; keep/push up sb's wage/salary

28. 要求升工資

demand a raise/a rise/an increase (in wages); make a pay claim

29. 拖欠工資

default on wage payment

30. 調整工資

adjust salary/wages

31. 領工資

receive/draw/get one's pay/salary

32. 降低工資

cut sb's salary/wage; keep/hold/force down one's salary/wage

33. 發工資

pay (out) wage/salary
