數以千計的英文 數以千計用英語怎麼說?
count by the thousand
number in the thousands
常用 重點詞彙
1. 數以百計甚至可能數以千計的細菌。
Hundreds if not thousands of germs.
2. 那數以千計深淺不一的色調交匯成一條像是被燈火照亮的水流。
The thousand varying shades interflowing like a lighted water.
3. 數以千計的群眾互相丟擲西紅柿。
Thousands of people throw the tomatoes at one another.
4. 數以千計的人被圍捕並關進監獄。
E. g. Thousands of men were rounded up and jailed.
5. 數以千計的飛蛾撲向燈塔的窗子.
Hundreds of moths flew against the lighthouse windows.
6. 貧民區裡數以千計的兒童需要養活。
There are thousands of children in the slum needing feeding up.
7. 內戰使數以千計的人顛沛流離.
Thousands of people have been displaced by civil war.
8. 我們在夏天出售的冰激凌數以千計.
We sell ice - creams by the thousand in the summer.
9. 這家公司每月發出數以千計的通知。
The company sends out thousands of circulars every month.
10. 數以千計的加工漁船淘空海洋。
Thousands of factory ships are emptying the oceans.
count by the thousand; number in the thousands