無奈的英文 無奈用英語怎麼說?
cannot help but 不禁;忍不住;不得不
but conj.若不;不過;然而;相反
however adv.然而;可是;不過;不管用什麼方式;不管怎麼;無論如何;不管多麼
常用 權威
1. 無奈地說
say resignedly
2. 萬般無奈
have no alternative whatsoever (but to); have no choice but
1. 至於威尼斯人,他們感到無奈,並希望儘快解決問題。
As for Venetians, they're beyond frustrated and hoping for a solution soon.
2. 我本應幫你,無奈當時手頭很緊。
I would have helped you, but I was short of money at the time.
3. 他不以為然地/無奈地聳了聳肩。
He gave a shrug of disbelief/helplessness.
4. 今天本想回去,無奈沒買著票。
I had planned to go home today, but I wasn’t able to get a ticket.
5. 他整天遊手好閒,他母親對他無奈何。
He just fools around all day long, and his mother can do nothing about it.
6. 他出於無奈,只得讓步。
He had no choice but to give in.
7. 三名隊員都受傷了,我們無奈地輸了這場比賽。
With three men injured, we became resigned to losing the game.
8. 公司面臨無奈的選擇。
The company faces some unappealing choices.
9. 無奈他們喊著說:“釘他十字架!
21But they kept shouting, \Crucify him!
10. 托爾多拼盡全力,無奈鞭長莫及.
Toldo at full stretch helpless and hopeless.
無奈,漢語詞語,拼音為wú nài,意思為無法應付,也指事情出現了不如意的局面,還指可惜。
動詞 resign oneself to (doing sth); cannot help but; have no alternative/choice
1. 他出於無奈,只得讓步。
He had no choice but to give in.
2. 三名隊員都受傷了,我們無奈地輸了這場比賽。
With three men injured, we became resigned to losing the game.
3. 無奈只得去做
have no alternative but to do it
4. 無奈地說
say resignedly
5. 無奈的目光/表情/語氣
resigned look/expression/tone
連詞 but; however
1. 我本應幫你,無奈當時手頭很緊。
I would have helped you, but I was short of money at the time.
2. 今天本想回去,無奈沒買著票。
I had planned to go home today, but I wasn't able to get a ticket.