古怪的英文 古怪用英語怎麼說?
eccentric adj.不合常規的;古怪的;怪僻的;偏心的;不同圓心的;不正圓的
weird adj.超自然的;怪異的;奇異的;宿命的;十分奇怪的;命運的
odd adj.反常的;奇怪的;單數的;奇數的;偶然的;偶爾的;單隻的;不成雙的;不是一對的;錯配的
bizarre adj.怪誕的;古怪的;奇形怪狀的
常用 權威
1. 脾氣古怪
have a weird disposition
2. 性情古怪
freakish disposition; eccentric character
3. 稀奇古怪
rare and queer;peculiar; queer; quaint; strange; rare
4. 刁鑽古怪
sly and capricious
5. 古怪的念頭
strange idea
6. 古怪的名字
odd-sounding name
7. 樣子古怪的房子
odd-looking house
1. 這個想法有點古怪,但仍有科學依據。
This idea is a little off-the-wall but still has scientific backing.
2. 更重要的是,我真的不喜歡那些展示古怪甚至危險事物的影片。
What's more, I really don't like the videos which show odd even dangerous things.
3. 他性格古怪,從不隨群兒。
He is eccentric and never follows the crowd.
4. 那人有點兒古怪。
That is a rather weird man.
5. 他以古怪的牧師姿態舉起雙手。
He raised both his arms in an outlandish hieratic gesture.
6. 她被看做是個有點兒古怪的人。
She was regarded as a bit of an oddity.
7. 她開始為那個古怪教授辯護了。
She came to the defence of the eccentric professor.
8. 他很古怪,但是你得適應他。
He's weird, but you just have to get used to him.
9. 她時不時地插問個古怪問題。
She interjected the odd question here and there.
10. 他是那些真正古怪的人之一。
He was one of the true originals.
古怪 gǔguài [strange;peculiar]∶稀奇怪異 例:一種古怪的美。 [odd;eccentric]∶奇怪。指明顯地異乎尋常,偏離一般,非正常 例:走著走著,忽見路旁的樹十分古怪。——《 西湖漫筆》 亦作“ 古恠”。 近義詞:詭譎 詭秘 怪異 怪誕 奇怪
形詞 eccentric; weird; odd; bizarre
1. 那人有點兒古怪。
That is a rather weird man.
2. 性情古怪
freakish disposition; eccentric character
3. 稀奇古怪
rare and queer
4. 古怪的名字
odd-sounding name
5. 古怪的夢/想法
weird dream/idea
6. 樣子古怪的房子
odd-looking house
7. 穿著/行為古怪
odd dress/behaviour