友情的英文 友情用英語怎麼說?
friendship n.友好;友誼;友情;友誼關係;互信互助關係
常用 權威
1. 出於友情
out of friendship
2. 維繫友情
sustain friendship
3. 終止友情
dissolve the friendship
4. 友情連結
link exchange
5. 削弱友情
weaken the friendship
6. 表達友情
express one's friendly sentiments
7. 友情出演
perform for the sake of friendship; serve as a guest performer; make a guest appearance; put on a show out of friendship
8. 友情客串
be a guest performer for the sake of friendship
9. 珍惜友情
cherish the friendship
10. 建立友情
form a friendship
11. 產生友情
strike up a friendship
12. 友情演出
friendship performance
13. 誠篤的友情
sincere friendship
14. 30年的友情
friendship of 30 years
15. 有著多年的友情
friendship of long standing
16. 愛情與友情的界限
frontier between love and friendship
1. 在上海,她和老同學重敘友情。
In Shanghai, she had brightened the chain with her old schoolmate.
2. 他們早已超越了友情的界限。
They have far overstepped the boundary of friendship. / Their relationship has gone beyond friendship.
3. 他的快速提升一定程度上同他與國王的友情有關。
His rapid promotion was due in some measure to his friendship with the king.
4. 我將去找他,讓他那充滿友情的胸懷安撫我們的悲痛。
I'll go to him, and repose our distresses on his friendly bosom.
5. 孤寂說明你沒有找到真摯的友情。
The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship.
6. 世上唯一無刺的玫瑰,就是友情。
Friendship is the only one thornless rose in the world.
7. 高橋:友情,人與人之間的羈絆。
TAKAHASHI: Friendship. The bond between one human being and another.
8. 深厚的友情應該有言歸於好的機會。
A good friendship deserves a second chance.
9. 友情太大了,大到能保衛整個地球。
Friendly too large to be able to defend the entire planet.
10. 友情讓快樂翻倍,讓痛苦減半。
L'amitié double les joies et réduit de moitié les peines.
4幕兒童劇。任德耀編劇。 導演:任德耀 副導演:李永鐸、任復 舞臺設計:胡冠時
名詞 friendship; friendly sentiments
1. 在上海,她和老同學重敘友情。
In Shanghai, she had brightened the chain with her old schoolmate.
2. 有著多年的友情
friendship of long standing
3. 30年的友情
friendship of 30 years
4. 終止友情
dissolve the friendship
5. 珍惜友情
cherish the friendship
6. 削弱友情
weaken the friendship
7. 建立友情
form a friendship
8. 恢復友情
renew/restore/revive one's friendship
9. 斷絕友情
break up/off a friendship
10. 出於友情
out of friendship
11. 產生友情
strike up a friendship
12. 表達友情
express one's friendly sentiments