取出的英文 取出用英語怎麼說?
take out 拿出;摧毀, 幹掉;獲得
fetch v.去取來;去拿來;賣得;售得;給…以;〈非正式;舊〉 引起(某人)的極大興趣;使…高興;請來;(人;行為
get out 洩露;傳出;胡說;去你的
break out 突然爆發;突然發作;一名犯人越獄了
eduction n.引出;推斷;排出;引出物
extraction n.取出;拔出;提取;採掘;家世;祖系;血統
1. 取出膠捲
remove film
1. 當餃子浮到水面時,將它們取出
Take the dumplings out when they float (漂浮) to the surface.
2. 你必須要用這個才能把書取出來。
You have to have one only to take books out.
3. 醫生們進行了手術並取出了骨頭。
Doctors performed surgery and removed the bone.
4. 取出前三個後,我發現第四個被剝光了。
Having taken out the first three, I found the fourth stripped.
5. 過了一會兒,他成功地從她嘴裡取出了那塊梨。
After a short while, he succeeded in getting the piece of pear out of her mouth.
6. 她從資料夾中取出檔案。
She drew the document from its folder.
7. 他取出棋盤擺好棋子。
He got out the chessboard and arranged the pieces.
8. 她開啟行李箱取出了裡面的衣物。
She unpacked her suitcase.
9. 她開啟手袋,取出身份證晃了晃。
She opened her purse and flashed her ID card.
10. 我從行李寄存處把包裹取出來。
I picked up my parcel from left luggage.