不太好的英文 不太好用英語怎麼說?
not too well
常用 重點詞彙
1. 起初,虛擬助手反響並不太好。
At first, the viral assistant wasn't too great.
2. 訊息顯示:嘿,我不太好。
The message reads, Hey, I'm not OK.
3. 你的飲食習慣不太好。
Your eating habits are not so good.
4. 是的,但是不太好。
Yes, but not very well.
5. 他們的植物長得不太好
Their plants don't grow very well, but ours look really good.
6. 原來,技術不太好的鋼琴家花更多的時間看她的手指。
It turns out that the less skilled pianist spends more time looking at her fingers.
7. 溜肩膀的人穿什麼衣服都不太好看。
People with sloping shoulders don’t look very good in any kind of suit/dress.
8. 這個字落筆的收筆似乎不太好。
The first stroke of the character seems to lack a proper ending.
9. 這兒條件不太好,請大家克服一下。
The conditions here are not very good. Please put up with them for a while.
10. 他是我的好朋友,所以不太好拒絕他。
He is my good friend and I can’t very well turn him down.
not too well