支撐的英文 支撐用英語怎麼說?
support v.支撐;支援;提供幫助;使能夠起作用;支援(程式;語言;裝置的)執行;鼓勵;維持
maintain v.維持;保持;扶養;負擔;堅持;斷言;主張;維護;將… 維持;養護
sustain v.支援;支撐;忍受;經受(不愉快的事情;尤指傷痛);認可;贊成;確認;保持;使持續不斷;(演員)充分表演(角色
shore up 支撐;撐起;撐住
hold out 抵抗, 抵擋;繼續生存;維持充足狀態
strut n.支柱;支桿;撐杆;高傲自負;昂首挺胸的步態
brace n.支柱;托架;夾頭;一對;一雙;大括弧;揹帶;梏具;畸齒矯正鋼絲架;(足球術語)梅開二度
常用 權威
1. 支撐點
strong point; centre of resistance
2. 支撐物
support; brace; prop; supporter
3. 支撐屋頂
give support to a roof
4. 平板支撐
5. 支撐危局
shore up a perilous situation
6. 支撐病態的經濟
prop up an ailing economy
7. 懸臂支撐的陽臺
cantilevered balcony
1. 你需要一個能支撐你背部的座位。
You need a seat which supports your back.
2. 這傷害了支撐水下城市的古老木杆。
That hurts the ancient wooden poles holding up the city underwater.
3. 當你剪斷繩子時,它無法支撐風箏。
When you cut the string, it could not support the kite.
4. 他支撐著坐了起來,頭還在發暈。
He propped himself up into a sitting position, still feeling dizzy.
5. 16根大柱子支撐著塔頂。
Sixteen huge pillars sustain/uphold the roof of the tower.
6. 這家國有企業虧損,靠政府補貼支撐著。
The state-owned enterprise was losing money, and was propped up by state subsidy.
7. 是愛國心支撐著他們。
They were borne up by love of their motherland.
8. 這個家靠他支撐著。
The whole family depended on him.
9. 這個念頭支撐他度過了這麼多年。
This thought had sustained him throughout the years.
10. 相機的最好的支撐物就是三腳架。
The best support for a camera is a tripod.
這個鋸齒形曲線總體呈上漲態勢(牛市)。當市場上揚,然後隨即回落,回落之前達到的最高點就是阻力線。 當市場再次繼續上漲,此前達到的最低點便是支撐線。就這樣,在市場隨時間變化振盪的過程中形成了不斷出現的阻力線和支撐線。相反在下降趨勢圖中也是此理。
支撐:1、漢語詞彙。 2、證券用語。指支撐股票下跌的外力。
動詞 prop/bolster/hold up; support
1. 這架子支撐得住嗎?
Is the stand strong enough to support it?
2. 16根大柱子支撐著塔頂。
Sixteen huge pillars sustain/uphold the roof of the tower.
動詞 maintain; sustain; shore up; hold out
1. 這家國有企業虧損,靠政府補貼支撐著。
The state-owned enterprise was losing money, and was propped up by state subsidy.
2. 這個家靠他支撐著。
The whole family depended on him.
3. 我們的儲糧還能支撐多久?
How long will our food supplies hold out?
4. 他支撐著坐了起來,頭還在發暈。
He propped himself up into a sitting position, still feeling dizzy.
5. 是愛國心支撐著他們。
They were borne up by love of their motherland.
6. 支撐危局
shore up a perilous situation
7. 支撐門面
maintain the front/a show; keep up appearance
8. 支撐病態的經濟
prop up an ailing economy
動詞 strut; brace