燈泡的英文 燈泡用英語怎麼說?
electric bulb 電燈泡
常用 權威
1. 電燈泡
(electric light) bulb;fifth wheel; gooseberry—unwanted third person accompanying a courting couple
2. 卡口燈泡
bayonet-socket bulb;bayonet-socket bulb
3. LED燈泡
LED bulb
4. 節能燈泡
energy saving bulb; energy-efficient bulb
5. 磨砂燈泡
frosted bulb
6. 充氣燈泡
gas-filled lamp bulb
7. 乳白色燈泡
opal bulb
8. 乳白燈泡
opal bulb
9. 螺口燈泡
screw socket bulb;screw bulb; screw-socket bulb
10. 更換燈泡
change a light bulb
11. 耐振燈泡
mill-type lamp
12. 卸掉燈泡
remove a bulb
13. 擰緊燈泡
screw up a bulb
14. 消光燈泡
frosted bulb
15. 60燭的燈泡
60-watt bulb
16. 60瓦的燈泡
60-watt light bulb
1. 至少幻燈片是好的,也就是說,直到投影儀的燈泡燒壞。
At least the slides were good, that is, until the bulb in the projector blew.
2. Thomas Edison在發明燈泡之前嘗試了一萬種方法。
Thomas Edison tried 10,000 ways before he invented the light bulb.
3. 彩色燈泡構成了一個巨大的光環。
Colour bulbs form a large ring.
4. 這種燈泡這麼快就壞,質量太柴了。
This bulb broke so soon due to its poor quality.
5. 這種燈泡發綠光。
This bulb gives a green light.
6. 她的房間只有一個無罩燈泡照明。
Her room was lit by a single naked bulb.
7. 這種新燈泡的平均壽命估算為大約500小時。
The average life of the new bulb is rated at approximately 500 hours.
8. 電燈泡需要更換。
The light bulb needs replacing.
9. 成為燈泡表演這門新技術的開始。
The beginning of the new art of the light show.
10. 和更換燈泡的成本遠遠高於競爭。
And the replacement lamp cost is much higher than the competition.
名詞 electric bulb; (light/lamp) bulb
1. 燈泡燒了。
The light is burned out.
2. LED燈泡
LED bulb
3. 乳白燈泡
opal bulb
4. 磨砂燈泡
frosted bulb
5. 螺口燈泡
screw socket bulb
6. 卡口燈泡
bayonet-socket bulb
7. 節能燈泡
energy-efficient/energy-saving bulb
8. 卸掉燈泡
remove a bulb
9. 擰緊燈泡
screw up a bulb
10. 更換燈泡
change/replace a bulb
11. 一隻/枚燈泡
a bulb