出錯的英文 出錯用英語怎麼說?
slip up 出差錯
make a mistake 犯錯誤;出錯;犯錯
常用 權威
1. 屢屢出錯
make mistakes again and again
2. 運算出錯
make an error in calculation
3. 頁面出錯
page fault
1. 蘇工作認真,所以她似乎從不出錯。
Sue works carefully, so she never seems to make mistakes.
2. 人工智慧主播可以24小時不出錯
The AI anchor can work 24 hours without mistakes.
3. 但就像所有的表演一樣,終歸會有出錯的時候。
But like all performances, there are moments when things go wrong.
4. \這就像烤蛋糕——如果沒有確切的資料,就會出錯。\她說。
\It's like baking a cake: If you don't have exact amounts, it goes wrong.\ she says.
5. 或者當事情完全出錯的時候,我們可能會說:\有一個小問題\。
Or we might say, \There is a tiny problem,\ when something has gone totally wrong.
6. 這孩子真笨,寫作文老出錯。
It is stupid of the child to make mistakes in his essays all the time.
7. 這道題挺複雜的。稍不留意,就會出錯。
This exercise is quite complicated. You are likely to make mistakes if you are not careful enough.
8. 那個男孩做除法總是出錯。
The boy always divides wrongly.
9. 學說外語時不要害怕出錯。
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when you are learning a foreign language.
10. 不要慌張,不然會出錯的。
Don’t be in such a fluster, or you’ll make mistakes.
出錯,讀音為chū cuò,漢語詞語,指出現差錯。例句有“小附讀書不認真,以至做題時總是出錯”。 相關文章有“他聰明,腦子快,能'鑽鍋’,沒唱過的戲,說說,就上去了,還保管不會出錯”,出自汪曾祺《雲致秋行狀》。相關近義詞有墮落、失足、犯錯。
動詞 slip up; go amiss; make a mistake; commit an error
1. 人都會出錯。
To err is human.
2. 你在這些賬目上有一處出了差錯。
You've made a slip somewhere in these accounts.
3. 草率出錯。
Haste may be productive of error.
4. 不論問題多麼棘手,我從沒見他出過錯。
I've never known him to put a foot wrong no matter how delicate the issue is.
5. 辦公室出了錯,信件根本就沒發出。
The office made a mistake and the letter was never sent.
6. 計算出錯
slip up in the calculation; go astray somewhere in the calculation