在將來的英文 在將來用英語怎麼說?
in the future 在未來
常用 重點詞彙
1. 在將來與其他企業競爭獲勝的關鍵
The key to succeed in furious competitions with other undertakings
2. 你願意在將來見到更多心智資訊嗎?
Would you like more PsychBytes in the future?
3. 但巴菲特說在將來股市將更加樂觀。
But Buffett says the future is much brighter for stocks.
4. 有沒有創始人在將來會有其他計劃?
Do any founders have commitments in the future (e.g.
5. 對這個問題在將來可進行隨機化研究.
Randomized studies can address these issues in the future.
6. 在將來有可能種植快速生長的樹和草。
It may be possible to plant fast-growing trees and grasses in the future.
7. 為了保留歷史紀錄在
For preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time.
8. 好了,在將來或現在。耶。
Aight? In the future or the present. Yeah.
9. 一些新的研究表明,這可能在將來實現。
Some new researches show that someday that might just be possible.
10. 她常常在想將來自己會跟什麼樣的人結婚。
She often speculated as to what sort of man she would marry.
for the time to come; in the future