不在家的英文 不在家用英語怎麼說?
out adv.離開;出;顯露;向外;遙遠的;遠離的;不在家;在外面;公開;殆盡;到頭;熄滅;出局
stay out 待在外面;在外逗留;不插手
常用 重點詞彙
1. 孩子們,當你們的父母不在家的時候,你們應該照顧好自己。
Boys and girls, you should look after yourselves when your parents are not at home.
2. 她來訪時,我湊巧不在家。
I happened to be away when she called.
3. 我妻子一不在家,家裡就變得亂七八糟的。
The house is at sixes and sevens whenever my wife is away.
4. 他八成兒不在家。
Most probably he is not at home.
5. 我今晚不在家。
I’ll not be at home this evening.
6. 她每每不在家。
She is often away from home.
7. 主要的不滿是他不在家的時間太多。
The main grumble is that he spends too much time away.
8. 主教因年度靜修不在家。
The bishop is away on his annual retreat.
9. 他們到達時她不在家,他對此一定非常惱火。
He must be pretty mad at her for not being at home when they arrived.
10. 我試著給他打電話,但他不在家。
I tried to ring him, but he wasn't at home.
out; stay out