動車的英文 動車用英語怎麼說?
multiple unit n.複式機車;複式電力機車
bullet train n.高速列車;子彈頭列車;高速客車
常用 權威
1. 動車組
multiple unit (MU); multiple unit train
2. 機動車
motor vehicle
3. 農用機動車
farm vehicle
4. 機動車道
car lane
5. 機動車床
power lathe
6. 機動車行駛證
road-worthiness certificate
7. 機動車交通事故責任強制保險
Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles
8. (機動車的)搖窗裝置
window winder
1. 它將從共享電動車的股份中獲利。
It will profit from ebike sharing.
2. 加油站很多,但電動車充電站不多。
There are plenty of gas stations, but not many charging stations for electric cars.
3. 但是電動車本身更貴。
But electric cars themselves are more expensive.
4. 當人們第一次騎上電動車的時候,他們的臉就會洋溢位笑容。
When people first jump on an ebike, their face lights up.
5. 基本上,同樣的價格,一輛電動車的續航能力是一輛汽油車的兩倍。
Basically, an electric car can go twice as far as a gas car for the same price.
6. 研究人員已經在調查機動車輛的使用是否已達到高峰,數量是否會下降。
Researchers are already asking if motor vehicle use has reached its peak and will decline.
7. 一個男人起試著研製一輛電動車.
A man was trying to build an electric motorcar.
8. 部落格:AAA級部署電動車充電器
BLOGS: AAA to Deploy Electric Car Chargers
9. 沒有駕照駕駛機動車是不合法的。
Driving without a drivers license is illegal.
10. 人和機動車順著公路如潮湧而去.
Men and machines poured along the main highways.
動車(全稱動力車輛)是指在軌道上執行的擁有驅動裝置、能產生一定牽引力的機車或車廂。它有兩大類別,一種是單節機車,只負責車輛牽引,不具備運載功能;另一種是動力車廂,不僅擁有牽引能力,還有運載功能,可以在車輛上運輸旅客或貨物。 一列火車若能獨立正常地行駛,就離不開動車,所有火車型別的交通工具包括高普速列車、地鐵輕軌列車和磁懸浮列車等都有動車。
名詞 multiple unit; bullet train
名詞 D train [Harmony train in China with the designed top speed of 250km/h]; G train [China high-speed train running at a speed between 200km/h and 300km/h]; bullet train in China