款待的英文 款待用英語怎麼說?
entertain v.給…娛樂;使快樂;對(意見;建議;感情)給予考慮;招待;款待
常用 權威
1. 款待國賓
entertain the state guests
2. 款待客人
entertain a guest
3. 盡情款待
treat with the utmost kindness
4. 盛情款待
entertain hospitably
5. 竭誠款待
entertain with utmost sincerity
6. 受到款待
be hospitably entertained
7. 款待嘉賓
entertain distinguished guests
8. 受到親切款待
be kindly treated
9. 熱情地款待
treat cordially
1. 主人設酒宴盛情款待我們。
Our hosts wined and dined us very well.
2. 她慷慨地款待了客人。
She entertained her guests handsomely.
3. 在講話當中,他對受到的熱情款待表示感謝。
In his speech, he expressed his gratitude for the hospitality he received during his stay.
4. 謝謝你的盛情款待。
Thank you for your hospitality. / Many thanks for the hospitality you showed me.
5. 關於公司如何款待客戶的新主意。
A new concept in corporate hospitality.
6. 無論她去哪兒,她都受到了熱情款待。
Everywhere she went she was fêted.
7. 他們設宴款待了代表團。
They feasted the deputation.
8. 作為一個愛好社交的人,伊娃喜歡款待客人。
Being a sociable person, Eva loved entertaining.
9. 多年來,說客們用豐盛的酒菜款待著議員們。
Members of Congress have been lavishly wined and dined by lobbyists for years.
10. 你用你生命的一片來款待我的女人
And you treated my woman to a flake of your life
款待,讀音kuǎn dài,漢語詞語,指的是熱情優厚地招待,也指用來招待客人的酒飯。例句有“表叔遠道而來,我們一定要好好款待他”。 相關句子有“親家,俺兄弟去了也,有勞尊重,只是家貧不能款待。”出自元代無名氏《合同文字》楔子,相關近義詞有招呼、寬待、寬貸,反義詞有虐待。
動詞 treat cordially; entertain; entertain with courtesy and warmth
1. 她慷慨地款待了客人。
She entertained her guests handsomely.
2. 盛情款待
entertain hospitably
3. 受到款待
be hospitably entertained
4. 設宴款待
give a banquet to sb; entertain sb with a banquet
5. 款待嘉賓
entertain distinguished guests