久而久之的英文 久而久之用英語怎麼說?
as time passes 久而久之;隨著時間流逝;隨著時間推移
in the course of time 總有一天;最後;終於
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 機器要不好好養護,久而久之就會生鏽。
If not properly maintained, machinery would get rusty as time passes.
2. 他太自私,久而久之,大家都跟他疏遠了。
He was very selfish, and in time he became estranged from others.
3. 她經常暴飲暴食,久而久之,胃就有了毛病。
She often eats without restraint and gradually she has developed stomach trouble.
4. 久而久之,斑塊會破裂阻塞血管。
Over time, the plaque can rupture and block the vessels altogether.
5. 久而久之,熔岩冷卻,形成火山島。
Over time the lava cools, forming a volcanic island.
6. 久而久之將改善抑鬱症症狀。
And over time, this will improve the symptoms of depression.
7. 久而久之, 他習慣了孤獨.
As time passed , he got accustomed to being alone.
8. 久而久之,這便成為舊例了.
As time went on these hand - outs became an established custom.
9. 不過,久而久之腐敗竟然也成為味道的一種。
Unexpectedly, rotten food have created a new flavour.
10. 久而久之,濃情轉淡.
He only kisses his wife when he has run out of napkin.
久而久之,漢語成語。指經過了相當長的時間。例句“王紅每天早晨堅持鍛鍊,久而久之,她的身體變得更結實了。” 出自清代李汝珍的《鏡花緣》第十三回“因置大缸一口,內中貯水,日日伏其中,習其水性,久而久之,竟能在水一日之久。” 近義詞有長此以往、長年累月、日久天長,反義詞有一朝一夕、曾幾何時 。
null詞 as time passes; in the course of time; with the lapse of time
1. 他太自私,久而久之,大家都跟他疏遠了。
He was very selfish, and in time he became estranged from others.
2. 她經常暴飲暴食,久而久之,胃就有了毛病。
She often eats without restraint and gradually she has developed stomach trouble.
3. 機器要不好好養護,久而久之就會生鏽。
If not properly maintained, machinery would get rusty as time passes.
as time passes; in the course of time; with the lapse of time