在夜間的英文 在夜間用英語怎麼說?
nighttime adj.夜間的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 相反,來自沙漠的乾燥的風在夜間阻擋了雲層。
Instead, dry winds from the desert keep the clouds away at night.
2. 鳥類在夜間遷徙時,往往會與燈火通明的高樓相撞。
Migrating at night, birds tend to collide with brightly lit tall buildings.
3. 大氣中的水汽在
Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.
4. 我們奉命在夜間巡邏時去調查此事。
We were ordered to investigate on a night patrol.
5. 大多數貓頭鷹在夜間出沒。
Most owls are nocturnal.
6. 老虎主要在夜間活動。
Tigers are active mainly at night.
7. 亮著的窗子表明某人在夜間工作。
The lighted window marked someone's night work.
8. 他們認為我們不可能在夜間攻擊.
They considered it impossible for us to attack during the night.
9. 而且,我沒有期望在一夜間實現。
For additional view, I'm not really expected to see this in only one nite.
10. 歐洲央行可以在一夜間解決危機。
The European Central Bank (ECB) can solve the crisis overnight.
by night; nighttime; nocturnally