得意的英文 得意用英語怎麼說?
be proud of oneself; be pleased with oneself; be complacent (about/about); gloat (about/over sth); glow with pride
常用 權威
1. 揚揚得意
be immensely proud; look triumphant; walk/tread on air; be inflated with pride
2. 春風得意
ride on the crest of success; be flushed with success
3. 得意揚揚
be smug; be inflated with pride; appear smug and complacent; crow over one's success, victory, etc
4. 得意之作
one's favourite work
5. 得意門生
favourite pupil/protégé
6. 情場得意
be lucky in love
7. 得意忘形
be carried away by one's success; be beside oneself with joy
8. 人生得意須盡歡
indulge yourself while you can
9. 一副自鳴得意的表情
a look of smug satisfaction
1. 得意不只是一個快樂的過程。
Crowing up is not just a happy process.
2. 他自以為有靠山,就自鳴得意了。
He thought it a feather in his cap to have a strong backing.
3. 你取得一點兒成績,有啥好得意的?
You have no reason whatsoever to gloat over such minor achievements.
4. 他這個人拿不住,一有成績就得意忘形。
He tends to get carried away with success. / Success turns his head easily.
5. 賭場得意,情場失意。
Lucky at play/cards, unlucky in love.
6. 阿里醫生滿臉勝利者的得意笑容。
Dr Ali smirked in triumph.
7. 她對自己的體形總是非常得意。
She had always been so proud of her figure.
8. 米爾德里德極為得意地走開了。
With a glow of pride, Mildred walked away.
9. 我因為擊敗丹尼斯而得意洋洋。
I felt elated at beating Dennis.
10. 她對自己準確的發音頗感得意。
She prided herself on her nicety of pronunciation.
【詞目】得意:【拼音】dé yì【粵語意思】可愛【近義詞】驕傲;自滿
動詞 be proud of oneself; be pleased with oneself; be complacent (about/about); gloat (about/over sth); glow with pride
1. 你取得一點兒成績,有啥好得意的?
You have no reason whatsoever to gloat over such minor achievements.
2. 得意之作
one's favourite work
3. 因成功而得意
be heady/smug with success