噴的英文 噴用英語怎麼說?
spurt n.噴射流;突然爆發;突然激增
gush v.噴;湧;湧流;滔滔地說;過分充滿感情地說;過分熱情地說;使噴出;使湧出
spew v.噴出;放出;湧出;嘔吐
spout n.嘴;水流;水柱;出水管;排水溝;運貨斜槽;滑槽;滑道;升降車
jet n.噴氣式飛機;噴射流;煤玉;貝褐碳;黑色大理石
squirt v.噴射;注射;使(液體容器)噴射;把…噴溼;噴;射;注;突然不定向地移動;高密度傳遞;快速傳遞
spray n.水花;飛沫;小束;小枝;噴射;噴霧劑;一罐噴劑;藝術花束;花束形胸針
sprinkle v.灑在…上;下稀疏小雨;灑;撒;隨意點綴;在…中隨意穿插;讓…星星點點地分佈
sneeze v.打噴嚏
snort n.哼;噴鼻聲;吸入的一口違禁毒品;一定量的烈酒
puff n.一陣;泡芙;吹捧性述評;粉撲;噗的一聲;一噴;對(菸斗;香菸;雪茄的)猛吸;呼吸;泡泡襉;蓬鬆隆起的卷繞髮型
crop n.作物;莊稼;平頭;嗉囊;收成;一批;豐富;一系列;一熟
常用 權威
1. 噴水泵
water-jet pump
2. 噴水井
artesian well
3. 噴絲板
4. 彩色噴印機
colour spray-printer
5. 給莊稼噴農藥
spray a crop with insecticide
1. 大象用她的長鼻子吸水,然後噴得到處都是。
The elephant takes water in her long nose and sprays (噴灑) it everywhere.
2. 別把香菸朝我臉上噴。
Don’t puff cigarette smoke in my face.
3. 這匹馬呼哧呼哧地噴著鼻子,不耐煩地踢著地。
The horse snorted and stamped its hoofs impatiently.
4. 給花噴點兒水。
Spray some water on the flowers.
5. 飛機的各個部件都噴了油以防腐蝕。
Each aircraft part is sprayed with oil to prevent corrosion.
6. 她往脖子上噴了些古龍香水。
She spritzed her neck with cologne.
7. 不要用殺蟲劑噴你的花草。
Avoid spraying your plants with pesticides.
8. 她往耳後噴了點香水。
She spritzed some perfume behind her ears.
9. 你們應該會噴蟑螂那類的東西吧。
You must spray for roaches and that sort of thing.
10. 這是露西噴在她頭上的頭髮定型劑。
So, this is hairspray that Lucy is putting on her head.
噴,是漢語詞彙,漢語拼音為pēn 、pèn,指的是散著射出的意思,後來也常指網路盛行的一種噴詞打法,簡稱為噴。
動詞 spurt; gush; spew; spout; jet; squirt
1. 油井噴油。
The well spouted/gushed oil. / The well blew out/kicked off.
2. 溪水從岩石縫中噴湧而出。
The stream gushes forth from the crevasses among the rocks.
3. 水噴了我一身。
Water squirted all over me.
4. 把水噴向燃燒著的樓房
direct jets of water at the burning building
5. 噴出火焰
jet out flames
動詞 spray; sprinkle
1. 給花噴點兒水
sprinkle some water on the flower
2. 噴香水
spray perfume (on)
3. 給莊稼噴農藥
spray a crop with insecticide
動詞 sneeze; snort
1. 這匹馬呼哧呼哧地噴著鼻子,不耐煩地踢著地。
The horse snorted and stamped its hoofs impatiently.
動詞 puff
1. 火車噴著氣進了車站。
The train puffed into the station.
2. 別把香菸朝我臉上噴。
Don't puff cigarette smoke in my face.
形詞 (of smells) strong
名詞 busy season (of vegetables, melons, fruits, fish, etc); peak period/season
量詞 crop