插頭的英文 插頭用英語怎麼說?
plug n.堵塞物;插頭;宣傳;廣告;口嚼菸草塊;魚餌;疲憊的馬;老馬;插座
常用 權威
1. 矩形插頭
rectangular insert
2. 安全插頭
safety plug
3. 插上插頭
plug in (an electrical equipment)
4. 多路插頭
multiple connector
5. 開路插頭
open plug
6. 轉換插頭
change-over plug; plug adaptor
7. 開關插頭
switch plug
8. 拔掉插頭
pull the plug out
9. 卡口插頭
bayonet plug
10. 遮蔽插頭
shielded plug
11. 電源轉換插頭
AC power adaptor
1. 她把繞在耳機上的插頭解開。
She unreeled the plug from her headset.
2. 她拔掉冰箱的電源插頭。
She unplugged the fridge.
3. 他不大知道怎麼換插頭。
He scarcely knew how to change a plug.
4. 一旦探測到電流不穩,插頭會立刻自動斷開。
The plugs will trip as soon as any change in current is detected.
5. 帶保險絲的插頭。
[as adj. fused]a fused plug.
6. 大多數歐洲國家都有的雙插頭插座
[as determiner]the two-pin sockets found in most European countries
7. 插頭的保險絲爆了
[no obj.]the fuse in the plug had blown
8. 給插頭安上電線
Wiring a plug
9. 不要忽視接地型插頭的安全作用.
Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounding type plug.
10. 電源插座裝在便於插插頭的地方.
Connect the power adapter cable to the camera and into a wall outlet.
名詞 plug; plug contact; male plug; receptacle plug; attachment plug
1. 轉換插頭
change-over plug; plug adaptor
2. 二腳/三腳插頭
two-pin/three-pin plug
3. 插上插頭
plug in (an electrical equipment)
4. 拔出插頭
pull out a plug; take out a plug; remove a plug