白頭偕老的英文 白頭偕老用英語怎麼說?
(of husband and wife) live together till old age; live in harmony till old and grey; remain a devoted couple all through their lives; live to ripe old age in conjugal bliss
常用 重點詞彙
1. 祝願你們倆鸞交鳳友,白頭偕老。
May both of you remain a devoted couple forever.
2. 與我白頭偕老, 是最美好的事.
Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.
3. 祝福這對新人並願他們白頭偕老.
Congratulate the young couple on their marriage and wish them a long life of happiness together.
4. 祝福新人白頭偕老,永享黃金愛情.
Wish you both a hundred years of happiness and golden love.
5. 祝願這對新人白頭偕老,永遠幸福.
May the bride and groom live happily ever after to a ripe old age.
6. 我問我的心上人“我們會白頭偕老嗎?
I ask my sweet-heart\what lies a head?\
7. 婚禮上,新娘和新郎表示要白頭偕老。
At the wedding party, the bride and the bridegroom expressed that they would be devoted to each other and grow old together.
8. 我要與你共同生活,白頭偕老
And start a family with you, baby
9. 祝你們永浴愛河,白頭偕老!
May you two always be in love!
10. 婚禮是白頭偕老的第一步。
A wedding is the first step for a long-life relationship.
白頭偕老是漢語成語,釋義為夫妻共同生活到頭髮白了的老年,例句為“婚禮上,來賓們由衷地祝願一對新人白頭偕老。” 白頭偕老出自清代沈復的《浮生六記閨房記樂》“獨怪老年夫婦相視如仇者,不知何意?或曰:‘非如是,焉得白頭偕老哉!”主要用作謂語、賓語、定語。 白頭偕老近義詞為白頭到老、白頭相守,反義詞為分道揚鑣。
(of husband and wife) live together till old age; live in harmony till old and grey; remain a devoted couple all through their lives; live to ripe old age in conjugal bliss