處置的英文 處置用英語怎麼說?
handle v.觸;摸;拿;移動;搬動;操弄;處理;處置;加工;以手(或前臂)觸
deal with 處理, 對付;與…交易
manage v.管理;經營;設法繼續生存;對付過去;處理;應付;主管;掌管;承受;當(運動隊或演出者)的經理人
dispose of 處理, 處置掉;處分
punish v.處罰;懲罰;利用;粗暴地對待;使遭受嚴重打擊
常用 權威
1. 處置權
2. 斷然處置
deal with sth resolutely
3. 妥善處置
make a good disposition (of)
4. 險情處置
emergency handling
5. 處置失當
mismanage; mishandle
6. 處置得當
handle properly
7. 處置失宜
handle improperly
8. 任由某人處置
leave to sb's discretion
1. 加快報廢處置。
Accelerating the disposal of uses.
2. 此事如何處置,報請上級裁奪。
Report/Submit this matter to the higher authorities for a decision.
3. 安全處置核廢料是個大問題。
The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major problem.
4. 你自行處置吧。
Act at your discretion.
5. 這種稅會影響遺產的處置。
This is a tax which affects the disposition of assets on death.
6. 在做出財產處置安排時,遺囑人必須簽字。
The testator had to make his signature after making the dispositive provisions.
7. 再不能冒險了——一切都得客觀冷靜處置。
Nothing was left to chance—everything was clinical.
8. “你怎麼處置那條臭烘烘的狗?“
What you doing with that stink dog?'
9. 你可以根據情況機動靈活地處置.
You can deal with it flexibly as you see fit.
10. 處置與聯邦,州和區域性規章一致。
Dispose of in a manner consistent with federal, state, and local regulations.
處置,詞彙。作:“分別事理,使各得其所”或者“處罰”解釋。也有決斷、辦法的意義。該詞出自《漢書.薛宣傳》。 此圖為《漢書.薛宣傳》。
動詞 handle; deal with; manage; dispose of
1. 你自行處置吧。
Act at your discretion.
2. 安全處置核廢料是個大問題。
The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major problem.
3. 任由某人處置
leave to sb's discretion
4. 妥善處置
make a good disposition (of)
5. 處置失當
mismanage; mishandle
6. 處置得當
handle properly
動詞 punish
1. 依法處置
punish according to the law; punish by the law