拍賣的英文 拍賣用英語怎麼說?
auction n.拍賣;拍賣活動;叫牌;叫牌階段
常用 權威
1. 拍賣人
2. 大拍賣
big sale
3. 拍賣法
auction law
4. 拍賣場
auction market; bidding block; auction mart
5. 拍賣行
auction house
6. 拍賣價
auction price;forced sale price; under-the-hammer price; tender price
7. 拍賣商
8. 拍賣師
9. 拍賣業
10. 慈善拍賣
charity auction
11. 拍賣成交
knock off
12. 倒拍賣
reverse auction
13. 拍賣店
auction room
14. 拍賣臺
auction block
15. 公開拍賣
vendue; public auction;public auction
16. 強制拍賣
forced sale
17. 清盤大拍賣
liquidation sale
18. 網上拍賣
online auction;online auction
19. 拍賣拍板
knocked down (KD)
20. 英式拍賣
English auction
1. 你現在可以把你不再需要的東西進行庭院拍賣。
You can now have a yard sale for the things you no longer want.
2. 這幅美麗的畫是在2018年的一次拍賣會上拍出的。
This beautiful painting was at an auction(拍賣) in 2018.
3. 那天下午晚些時候,山姆注意到正在進行一場舊書拍賣。
Later that afternoon, Sam noticed a second-hand book sale going on.
4. 這些油畫將在下個月進行拍賣。
The paintings will come/go/be up for auction next month.
5. 他們將出名組織慈善拍賣。
They will lend their names to an auction for charity.
6. 拍賣會明天上午九點開槌。
The auction will start at 9:00 tomorrow morning.
7. 這次拍賣會已於昨日落槌。
The auction wound up yesterday.
8. 絕大多數拍賣品成交,只有個別幾個流標。
Most of the items were bid for and only a few were not sold at the auction.
9. 他經常去拍賣會。
He regularly attends auctions.
10. 他把三幅畫寄存在蘇富比拍賣行。
He consigned three paintings to Sotheby's.
拍賣(Auction)是專門從事拍賣業務的拍賣行接受貨主的委託,在規定的時間與場所,按照一定的章程和規則,將要拍賣的貨物向買主展示,公開叫價競購,最後由拍賣人把貨物賣給出價最高的買主的一種現貨交易方式。 拍賣有英格蘭式拍賣、荷蘭式拍賣、英格蘭式與荷蘭式相結合的拍賣方式。
動詞 auction; put sth up for auction
1. 這些油畫將在下個月進行拍賣。
The paintings will come/go/be up for auction next month.
2. 他經常去拍賣會。
He regularly attends auctions.
3. 網上拍賣
online auction
4. 慈善拍賣
charity auction
5. 密封式投標拍賣
sealed-bid auction
6. 倒拍賣
reverse auction
7. 由政府拍賣
auction by government
8. 被拍賣
be auctioned; come/go under the hammer; go on the auction block
9. 公開拍賣
vendue; public auction
10. 交付拍賣
put up for auction
11. 拍賣某物
sell sth by auction; put sth on the block
12. 拍賣掉
auction off
13. 拍賣成交
knock off
動詞 sell off goods at reduced prices; be on sale
1. 削價拍賣
Dutch auction
2. 清倉拍賣
clearance/closeout sale; stock-clearing sale
3. 強制拍賣
forced sale
4. 破產/停業清理大拍賣
bankruptcy/liquidation sale
5. 大拍賣
big sale