彙總的英文 彙總用英語怎麼說?
gather v.集合;聚集;累積;收集;採集;蒐集;推斷;猜測;以為;增加;積聚;集中
collect v.收集;聚集;使集中;取;接;恢復鎮定;推斷;推論;使以受銜姿勢跑;和…互撞;和…發生衝突
pool n.池塘;池;窪;潭;共用車輛;落袋檯球戲;游泳池;深潭;人力資源;集合基金
summarize v.總結;概括
常用 權威
1. 彙總材料
collect data
2. 年終彙總
year-end summary
3. 彙總繳納
pay on a consolidated basis
1. 醫院彙總各科室的資金購買新裝置。
The hospital pooled funds from various departments to acquire new equipment.
2. 導遊把大家的行李彙總在一起。
The tour guide put all of our luggage in a pool.
3. 規則已經彙總成文。
The rules are put together in written form.
4. 附件是一些我遇見的問題的彙總!
Please see attached a summary of the existing problems.
5. 附詞彙總表和部分練習參考答案。
Each volume also has the new words, vocabulary and keys to parts of the exercises.
6. 我想這只是一個彙總而已,是吧?
I think that just about sums it up, doesn't it?
7. 記錄並彙總每日的貨物出庫情況.
Keep record daily outgoing report.
8. 設計作品集由設計專案彙總而成.
Design projects are documented in the design portfolios.
9. 這些是我最喜愛小吃的一個彙總。
Here are some of my favorite snack combinations
10. 可在專案週期階段進行適當的彙總.
Proper bundling during the stages in the project cycle.
動詞 gather; collect; pool; summarize
1. 醫院彙總各科室的資金購買新裝置。
The hospital pooled funds from various departments to acquire new equipment.
2. 導遊把大家的行李彙總在一起。
The tour guide put all of our luggage in a pool.
3. 彙總各界人士的建議
gather together the suggestions from people from all walks of life
4. 彙總材料
collect data