生日賀卡的英文 生日賀卡用英語怎麼說?
birthday card 生日卡片;生日賀卡;生日卡
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我從他們那裡得到了一頂漂亮的帽子和一張生日賀卡。
I got a pretty hat and a birthday card from them.
2. 我要去你節省每一個生日賀卡寄給我!
Im gonna save every birthday card you send me!
3. 這是我們自制的生日賀卡。
It's our own homemade, birthday card.
4. 問題: 熟客來信投訴沒有收到生日賀卡和咖啡券.
Question: VIPs complain about never getting any birthday card or coffee coupons.
5. 給他們寄張支票去就行。 別忘了順便給我寄張生日賀卡。
Mail them a check and send me a birthday card.
6. 如果你想獨力保持生日賀卡行業蒸蒸日上,你需要做好規劃。
If you single-handedly are keeping the belated birthday card industry alive, you need a system.
7. 我正在用蝸牛郵件給我的阿姨瑪姬傳送生日賀卡。她住在日本。
A. I'm sending my auntie Marge this lovely birthday card via snail mail. She lives in Japan.
8. 然後他拿下眼鏡,躺了下來,眼睛睜開著,面對著他那三張生日賀卡。
Then he took off his glasses and lay down, eyes open, facing his three birthday cards.
9. 每年,喬治都要寄很多生日賀卡給親戚們;每一年他都要給親人們打電話去確認賀卡是否準時寄到。
Everyyear George sends out dozens of birthday cards to relatives; every yearhe calls to make sure the card has arrived on time.
10. 他緩慢而憂傷地把他所有的禮物和生日賀卡收集在一起,再把它們和他的家庭作業一塊兒藏到那塊鬆動的地板下面。
Slowly and sadly he gathered up all his presents and his birthday cards and hid them under the loose floorboard with his homework.
birthday card