傳的英文 傳用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-09-19


hand down 把…傳下去;傳遞;宣佈(判決等)

transmit v.傳送;輸送;傳遞;發射;播送;傳染;遺傳;傳;透;傳達

impart v.告知;傳達;給予;賦予

teach v.教;教會;教書;講授;提倡;宣揚;訓導;當教師;誘導;使明白

spread v.攤開;鋪開;展開;蔓延;延伸;塗抹;塗;敷;擺桌子以備進餐;把飯菜擺在(餐桌)上

circulate v.迴圈;環流;流通;在社交場合四處走動;給(一組人)散發

summon v.傳召;鼓起;露出;迫切地要求;召集;使浮現;使想起

convey v.載送;輸送;表達;傳遞;傳達;轉讓

express v.表達;表示;榨出;擠壓出;特快發運;特快專送;表達自己的想法;用圖形(或符號、公式)表示

conduct n.行為方式;舉止;品行;管理;處理;引導

infect v.感染;傳染;侵染;汙染;感染病毒;影響;傳播給

biography n.傳記;生平;傳記文學;人生歷程

常用 權威



1. 傳話筒

megaphone;gossip monger

2. 傳口信

convey a message (to sb)

3. 傳某人做證

call sb in testimony

4. 《林肯傳》

The Life of Lincoln


1. 少數人會上材料。

A small number of people upload material.

2. 壞事千里。

Bad news has wings. / Bad news travels quickly. / Ill news comes apace. / Ill news flies fast.

3. 威名天下。

One’s fame has spread far and wide.

4. 詩歌作為一門口藝術的復興。

The renascence of poetry as an oral art.

5. 秘密不久就了出去。

The secret was soon out.

6. 最佳打法是地面球。

The best way to play is to pass the ball on the floor.

7. 禁止人們露背裝、短褲和吊帶。

It also bans halter tops, shorts, and tank tops.

8. 這裡是個懸念,“我仍舊割禮嗎

Now that just kind of hangs there \am I still preaching circumcision?\

9. 看,船上游有一個音樂家在演奏

See, there’s a musician on the

10. 檢察當局財務處長或主任出庭.

The finance director was subpoenaed by the prosecution.


傳(chuán或zhuàn),多音字。 讀chuán時,有遞、散佈、一代代交接等意思,《墨子·所染》中有“功名傳於後世”之句。 讀zhuàn時,指一種文體,也可指解釋經義的文字、書籍,驛站等。



動詞 pass (on); hand down; transmit

1. 這種習俗是從18世紀傳下來的。

This custom has been carried down since the 18th century.

2. 她死後莊園傳給了她侄子。

Upon her death, the estate passed to her nephew.

3. 光榮/優良傳統代代傳

pass the glorious/fine tradition down from generation to generation

4. 把球傳給邊鋒

pass the ball to the winger

5. 傳給後代

hand down/transmit to posterity

動詞 impart; teach; pass on (knowledge, skill, etc)

1. 把手藝傳給徒弟

pass along one's skills to an apprentice

動詞 spread; circulate; go/get (a)round

1. 這件事不能傳出去。

The matter must be hushed up.

2. 謠言一傳十,十傳百。

The rumours multiplied.

3. 壞事傳千里。

Bad news has wings. / Bad news travels quickly. / Ill news comes apace. / Ill news flies fast.

4. 傳遍全城

run through the town; pass round the city

5. 傳謠

pass/circulate/spread rumours

6. 傳口信

convey/deliver/relay/pass on/bear an oral message

動詞 summon

1. 傳某人到庭做證

subpoena sb to testify; call sb in evidence

2. 傳被告/證人

summon a defendant/witness

動詞 convey; express

動詞 transmit; conduct

動詞 infect; be contagious/infectious

名詞 commentaries on classics

1. 《左傳》

The Zuo Commentary (on The Spring and Autumn Annals )

2. 經傳

Confucian classics and commentaries on them

名詞 biography

1. 名人傳

biographies of famous people

2. 《林肯傳》

The Life of Lincoln

名詞 story or novel (usu used in titles)

1. 《水滸傳》

Water Margin;The Outlaws of the Marsh

2. 《白蛇傳》

The Story of the White Snake

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