刷卡的英文 刷卡用英語怎麼說?
swipe/punch a card
常用 權威
1. 刷卡機
card reader
2. 刷卡族
card users; cardholders
1. 山姆·阿扎爾刷卡買了一包煙。
Sam Azar swiped his credit card to pay for a pack of cigarettes.
2. 當晶片卡刷卡必須要求插入卡。
When chip card is swiped must ask to insert card.
3. 顧客: 請問可以刷卡消費嗎?
Customer: Excuseme , can I use my credit card?
4. 持IC卡乘客,請上車刷卡.
Passengers using IC cards please swipe your cards.
5. 店員: 您付現金還是刷卡?
Salesperson: Will that be cash or charge?
6. 拖動可指示帶刷卡器的攝像機的位置.
Drag to indicate the location of a camera with a card reader.
7. 還有可以刷卡看電視的手機。
And mobile friends that can act as a credit card and television all-in-one.
8. 也許你想滾動,但不想刷卡。
Maybe you want scrolling but don't want swiping .
9. 請稍待一會,讓我來刷卡.
Please hold on a minute while I run your credit card through the machine.
10. ①持卡人下車時刷卡一次,扣除乘車款。
Cardholders shall swipe their cards when getting off with the corresponding value deducted.
刷卡機器和操作行為。刷卡 shuākǎ 英文 swipe 刷卡一般指銀行業透過pos終端機讓客戶實現貨幣的交付職能的一種現代經濟活動。同時還有其它的一些活動需要用到刷卡。比如有些高階防盜門也是需要刷卡現金支付也可以刷卡
動詞 swipe/punch a card
1. 刷卡付費
pay by credit/debit card
2. 刷卡上班/下班
punch in/out; swipe one's card to clock in/out; punch the clock