西餐廳的英文 西餐廳用英語怎麼說?
Western-style restaurant
1. 您喜歡去中餐廳還是西餐廳呢?。
There is a Deli over there, do you like it?
2. 你知道附近有比較好的西餐廳嗎?
Do you know if hereabout have preferable refectory for Western - style food.
3. 這對夫婦正在這家西餐廳用餐.
The couple are having their dinner in the restaurant.
4. 西餐廳,我可以為您服務嗎?
Westen Restaurant. May I help you?
5. 我們有中餐廳和西餐廳,你願意去哪個?
We have Chinese restaurant and a western-style restaurant.Which one do you prefer?
6. 去西餐廳, 看一看選單,熟悉一下西餐.
Go to a western restaurant, and check the menu there.
7. 當你想到西餐廳用餐時,你應該考慮先訂位。
When you want to eat at a Western restaurant, you should first consider making a reservation.
8. 具有3年以上國際品牌酒店西餐廳管理經驗。
Minimun 3 years Western Restaurant work experiences in same position.
9. 情人節當天在西餐廳用餐即可獲得禮品贈送。
All the lovers having set menu at the Sunshine Western Restaurant will be offered gift for free.
10. 莫莉:我給你個提議。試試大飯店裡的西餐廳。
Molly : I'll give you a hint. Try western restaurants inside major hotels.
西餐廳是指提供西餐的餐廳,特點是主料突出,形色美觀,採用長形桌臺,主食是麵包,餐具是刀叉。 在西餐廳用餐時注重講究菜譜、音樂、氣氛、會面、禮俗、食品這幾個方面,其設計風格也與西歐各國的民族習俗相一致,要充分尊重這個國家的飲食習慣和就餐環境需求。