被遺忘的英文 被遺忘用英語怎麼說?
pass into silence
常用 重點詞彙
1. 詩歌是文學中被遺忘的產物。
Poetry is the forgotten child of literature.
2. 你用過的東西已經被遺忘在家裡很久了。
Things you used have been forgotten for ages in your home.
3. 對她作品的粗製濫造導致她的努力在很大程度上被遺忘。
Shoddy reproductions of her work resulted in her efforts being largely forgotten.
4. 有些俚語被遺忘了,但其他俚語成了日常語言的一部分。
Some slang gets forgotten, but other slang words become part of normal, everyday language.
5. 行李被遺忘在車站月臺上。
The luggage remained on the platform.
6. 被遺忘在感情沙漠裡的孩子們。
Children left in an emotional limbo.
7. 北冰洋中一艘被遺忘的沉船的殘骸。
The detritus of a forgotten shipwreck in an Arctic sea.
8. 反正五十年內他們將通通被遺忘.
They will all be forgotten in fifty years anyway.
9. 這種傳統的石雕手藝不該被遺忘。
This method of traditional stone carving cannot be forgotten.
10. 我對被遺忘的中間人群比較瞭解。
You see, I know a little bit about the forgotten middle.
pass into silence