鴨梨的英文 鴨梨用英語怎麼說?
Chinese white pear; a kind of pear grown in Hebei Province
1. 鴨梨產業已成為魏縣農業四大主導產業之一。
Ya pear industry has become one of the four leading agricultural industries in Wei County.
2. 在外拍歸來途中的汽車內,拍的兔嫂拿鴨梨的手。
Outside in a car take back took on the rabbit sister-in-law took the hand of pears.
3. 看那黃澄澄的鴨梨,像一個娃娃在樹上,那麼可愛。
Look at the pear , like a doll in the tree, so cute.
4. 聖誕到了,你應該知道的,神馬煩惱鴨梨啊都是浮雲。
Nine, Christmas, you should know, what worries pear ah are the clouds.
5. 鴨梨是河北的特產水果, 也是我國主要出口水果之一.
YAPEAR, a specialty in heibei province, and is primary export fruit.
6. 我的家鄉是美麗的滄州, 生產金絲小棗和泊頭大鴨梨.
My hometown is beautiful Cangzhou. It teems of date and ya pear.
7. 鴨梨果實褐變從心皮組織開始,逐步向果心、果肉擴充套件.
The browning of Yali pear appear carpel at first , and then appear core and flesh.
8. 2007年, 魏縣鴨梨通過了國家地理標誌保護產品認證.
In 2007, Xian Pear state through the protection of geographical indications product certification.
9. 因為水果鴨梨與壓力諧音,所以人們用鴨梨的圖片代表壓力。
A picture of pear (yali) stands for “pressure”, which shares a similar pronunciation with the fruit in Chinese.
10. 分析表明,鴨梨果心有較高的底物含量,約為果肉的2.7倍。
Phenols contents in the core was 2.7 times higher than that in the flesh.
黎簇,暱稱鴨梨,南派三叔所著小說《盜墓筆記少年篇·沙海》中的角色,是一個學習不好的高中生,愛吐槽,性格浮躁衝動。 黎簇因外出遭到一次預謀好的搶劫,被捲入一個巨大的謎團,成為了第十八個被吳邪選中的關鍵人。 《盜墓筆記》由毛鯤宇、李澤露和鄒曦執導改編為電視劇《沙海》並於2018年播出,黎簇一角由吳磊飾演。