罪行的英文 罪行用英語怎麼說?
crime n.罪;罪行;可恥行為;犯罪;罪惡行為;不道德行為
guilt n.犯罪;有罪;過失;內疚;不安
offence n.違法;犯規;犯罪;惱怒;怨恨;進攻;攻擊;違反;過錯;進攻隊
常用 權威
1. 懺悔罪行
repent one's crimes
2. 罪行法定
crimes shall be punished only under the law
3. 輕微的罪行
minor crime
4. 揭露罪行
expose sb's guilt
5. 犯罪行為
criminal act/behaviour; criminality; malefaction
6. 叛逆罪行
treasonable offence
7. 掩蓋罪行
smother (up) a crime
8. 交代罪行
confess one's crime
9. 罪行昭著
have committed flagrant crimes
10. 罪行細節
particulars of an offence
11. 縱容罪行
condone the crime
12. 可疑罪行
suspected offence
13. 遮蓋罪行
cover up one's crime
14. 揭發罪行
expose a crime
15. 聲討罪行
denounce the crimes (of sb)
16. 滔天罪行
towering crime;heinous/monstrous/towering crime
17. 拒不交代罪行
refuse to confess a crime
18. 制止犯罪行為
deter crime
19. 剷除犯罪行為
eradicate crime
20. 供述自己的罪行
confess to one's crime
1. 當有人犯罪時,我們總是希望懲罰與罪行相匹配。
When someone commits a criminal act, we always hope the punishment will match the offense.
2. 兇手從未為他所犯的罪行而懺悔。
The killer never expressed remorse over the crime he had committed.
3. 他們的罪行激起了人民的盛怒。
By their sins they provoked the wrath of the people.
4. 案犯交代了自己的罪行。
The criminal in the case confessed to the crime.
5. 小偷供出了所有罪行。
The thief made a full confession of his wrong doings.
6. 窩藏證據是犯罪行為。
Concealment of evidence is a criminal offence.
7. 多年後,罪行暴露了。
The crime was brought to light years later.
8. 你要是想用遮羞布掩蓋你的罪行,那隻能是欲蓋彌彰。
If you try to cover up your misdeed with a fig leaf, you will only make it more conspicuous.
9. 赦免特許狀免除了他們所有罪行。
The pardon absolved them of any crimes.
10. 他們犯下的罪行有損當局的聲譽。
They committed crimes which brought discredit upon the administration.
《罪行》是由Alberto Bevilacqua執導,娜塔查·阿瑪爾、羅伯特·何森等主演的驚悚影片,於1999年2月26日在義大利上映。 影片講述了一個女人,帶著仇恨回到了自己的故鄉,她想要為自己的家庭,為自己的父母,為她自己找回公正,找到正義。
名詞 crime; guilt; offence
1. 嚴重罪行
major/serious crime
2. 滔天罪行
towering crime
3. 輕微的罪行
minor crime
4. 駭人聽聞的罪行
monstrous/hideous crime/guilt
5. 縱容罪行
condone the crime
6. 隱瞞罪行
conceal/hide one's guilt
7. 坦白交代罪行
confess one's crimes/guilt
8. 揭露罪行
expose sb's guilt
9. 犯下罪行
commit crimes/guilt
10. 承認/否認罪行
acknowledge/deny one's crime
11. 查明罪行
find out the crime; ascertain the guilt
12. 補贖罪行
expiate an offence/a crime/a guilt