違規的英文 違規用英語怎麼說?
violate regulations; break rules
常用 權威
1. 違規停車
parking violation
2. 交通違規
traffic viloation
3. 違規操作
operate against rules
4. 違規放貸
malpractice in loaning
5. 違規現象
violation of regulations and rules
6. 違規停車罰單
parking ticket
1. 面對這些違規
They stood mute and unseeing before these violations.
2. 這次違規是立即免職的充分理由。
The offence justified instant dismissal.
3. 她一違規就會忙不迭地請求原諒。
She is quick to ask forgiveness when she has overstepped the line.
4. 對少數違規十分嚴重者的更嚴厲措施。
Harsher measures for the minority of really serious offenders.
5. 沒有違規;因此也不會在紀律上查究。
There was no breach of the rules; Accordingly, there will be no disciplinary inquiry.
6. 違規的警察將被開除警籍。
[count noun]offending policemen receive a dishonourable discharge.
7. 證據表明仍然有大量欺詐和違規現象存在。
There is evidence that fraud and irregularity continue on a large scale.
8. 違規的人會被迅速處理。
Those who did break the rules would be dealt with swiftly.
9. 這位球員可能因最近的輕度違規被罰長時間停賽。
The player can expect a lengthy suspension for his latest misdemeanour.
10. 違規金融行為。
Financial irregularities.
違規(wéi guī),漢語詞語, 違背規定的事情。但是“違規”一詞中的“規”字並不是指指定的某項規定,這個“規”字是指所有雙方協商好達成的規定。 汽車在高速公路上絕對不可以違規行駛路肩。
動詞 violate regulations; break rules
1. 交通違規
traffic viloation
2. 違規現象
violation of regulations and rules
3. 違規停車罰單
parking ticket
4. 違規停車
parking violation
5. 違規操作
operate against rules