練的英文 練用英語怎麼說?
practise v.練習;訓練;經常做;實踐;遵循;養成…的習慣;從事;遵循(宗教)的教導和教規;信奉;陰謀策劃
exercise n.鍛鍊;運動;使用;運用;行使;練習;訓練;演習;習題;操練
train v.訓練;對準;瞄準;乘火車;引誘;受訓練;對(智慧;體能)進行訓練;使朝某方向生長;成某形狀
drill n.鑽頭;衝子;鑽床;鑽機;訓練;操練;尾角螺;條播機;黑臉山魈;粗斜紋布
experienced adj.有經驗的;經驗豐富的;熟練的;老練的
skilled adj.有技能的;有技巧的;熟練的;顯示技巧的;需要技能的;需要技巧的
seasoned vt.加作料於;風乾處理;(season的過去式和過去分詞)
常用 權威
1. 練起跑
practise starts
2. 練刺殺
practise bayonet fighting
3. 練槍法
practise marksmanship
4. 練氣功
do qigong exercise; practise qigong
5. 練節目
6. 練鋼琴
practise (playing) the piano
7. 練打字
practise at typing
1. 想提高寫作水平,就得經常練。
If you wish to improve your writing, you’ll have to practise it frequently.
2. 練毛筆字,先描紅,後臨帖。
While practising Chinese calligraphy, one should first trace the model characters before going on to emulate a copybook for calligraphy.
3. 練毛筆字,描摹臨帖不可少。
In practising Chinese calligraphy, one should trace and emulate characters written by famous calligraphers.
4. 他從小練體操,習藝多年。
He has practised gymnastics since childhood and has worked at it for years.
5. 放學後,我們徑自到小巷練投籃。
[with obj.]after school, we'd go straight out in the alley to shoot baskets.
6. 我祖母每天一大早在公園練氣功.
My grandma practices Qi Gong in the park early in the morning.
7. 嗯,你是在考慮練一個聖騎士麼?
So, you're thinking of playing a Paladin ?
8. 一天練一兩個小時,就對著牆打。
You would be in here one, two hours a day, just striking the ball off the wall.
9. 我在美服玩魔獸,練的也是術士。
I served in the U. S. World of Warcraft, Warlock also practiced.
10. 鋼琴家透過練指法使其手指熟練.
A pianist gets his fingers in practice by playing scales.
練(liàn),漢字,左右結構,筆畫8畫。一是指絲帛;二是指經驗多 ;三是指古代小祥之祭。組詞練操、訓練、練功等。 《墨子·辭過》“冬則練帛之中,足以為輕且煖”。《後漢書》“主練染,作采色”。
練姓源出自東姓。 練何,(公元598年戊午至公元668年戊辰),字子俊,本姓東,乃伏羲後裔。粵稽洪荒甫闢,生民渾噩,姓氏未著。自太昊嗣興帝,號伏羲,伏羲氏以木德王其姓風氏。民之有姓,實自此始。厥裔羲仲,帝堯時,命掌東方,青陽之令,易風姓為東方氏,取義青陽,曾稱濟陽為郡。東方氏三傳有東不訾者,蓋帝舜七友中人,居太原墟,因帝呼為東友,即更其覆,而仍相傳為東,由居太原,故又易其郡為太原。東不訾九十六代嗣裔東何,乃漢仕郎中涇州東富公二十七代元孫,本貫河北道懷州河內縣趙寨裡(今河南省沁陽市紫陵鎮趙寨村),以河內為郡。公智勇超群,於唐貞觀時為總管府錄事參軍,貞觀十八年(公元644年)十一月庚子日(農曆十一月三十日),詔與李勣伐高句麗,貞觀十九年(公元645年)五月甲申日(農曆五月十七日),獻火攻策遼東城,(史書又稱遼州)遂破之,有功回朝,於貞觀十九(645)年十月戊午日(農曆十月廿三日),在臨渝關的漢武臺刻石記功會上,唐太宗以“精練軍戎”之譽,賜姓練,封岐山侯。
動詞 boil and scour raw silk
1. 練絲
boil and scour silk
名詞 white silk
1. 澄江靜如練。
The crystal river is as still as silk.
動詞 practise; exercise; train; drill
1. 想提高寫作水平,就得經常練。
If you wish to improve your writing, you'll have to practise it frequently.
2. 練槍法
practise marksmanship
3. 練氣功
do qigong exercise; practise qigong
4. 練節目
5. 練好本領
perfect one's skill
6. 練功夫
practise one's skill; practise kung fu
7. 練鋼琴
practise (playing) the piano
8. 練打字
practise at typing
形詞 experienced; skilled; seasoned