燃油的英文 燃油用英語怎麼說?
fuel oil n.燃料油;爐油
常用 權威
1. 燃油泵
fuel pump
2. 燃油箱
fuel-oil tank
3. 燃油機
fuel engine
4. 備用燃油箱
reserve fuel tank
5. 燃油附加稅
bunker surcharge
6. 燃油鍋爐
oil-burning boiler
7. 燃油殘渣
fuel-oil residue
8. 燃油爐
oil burner
9. 徵收燃油稅
impose fuel oil taxes
10. 難燃油
fire-resistant oil
11. 燃油倉
fuel-oil tank
1. 大多數燃油汽車在加滿油的情況下可以行駛數百英里。
Most gas cars can drive hundreds of miles on a full tank.
2. 加滿油的燃油汽車比充滿電的電動汽車走的距離更遠。
Gas cars can cover a longer distance on a full tank than electric cars on a full charge .
3. 雙流連續作業燃油拌和器。
A two-stream in-line fuel-oil blender.
4. 可獲得最佳燃油哩程的巡航高度。
The cruise altitude which results in the best fuel mileage.
5. 氣缸套輕微漏水、燃油中含有水;
The cylinder liner slight leakage, fuel contains water;
6. 更換燃油濾清器/水分離器元件。
Clean bottom of fuel filter base.
7. 故徵收燃油稅有其客觀的必要性。
Therefore, the payment of duty need to have their objective.
8. 他採用一種計量表檢查燃油壓力.
He used a gage to check the fuel pressure.
9. 它還能降低燃油噪音,減少油耗。
It can also induce engine's fuel's consuming and noise.
10. 鼓勵低燃油耗和抑制高燃油耗政策
Low fuel consumption and restraining high fuel consumption
義大利PETROL INSTRUMENTS公司創立於1970年,是按照Roots原理進行容積式液體測量的歐洲唯一製造商,專業生產PD流量計及相關附件產品,用於測量工業應用中各種液體的流量及容積,廣泛應用於石油、石化、化工、油氣田、製藥、電力等工業領域。
名詞 fuel oil
1. 燃油鍋爐
oil-burning boiler
2. 燃油殘渣
fuel-oil residue
3. 家用燃油
domestic/household fuel
4. 節省/浪費燃油
save/waste fuel